This isn’t an attorney but he offers a cogent explanation of how social medial should fit into an attorney’s marketing mix. What’s that? You don’t have a mix? Oh my, you really should have a mix. . .
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More free software–promote your law firm web site through blog comments
One way to promote your web site or blog is by posting comments on other blogs, but finding the right ones is time consuming. To some extent, you can automate that process with "Comment Kahuna," free software from Jason Katzenback, Marc Quarles & Jason Potash at
This link takes you to a short video that explains how it works, and then you can download the software.
I used Comment Kahuna to find attorney marketing blogs I’ve never seen, and I then posted pithy comments thereon, linking back to my web site. Because your searching and posting activities are saved for you, it’s easier to go back to web sites where you have posted and see if your moderated comment got posted and if any follow-up by you is called for.
In the process, I found some good material I can use, here. For example, one site I found had an article listing web sites/directories where lawyers can list their web site. Here’s that article, and my comment.
Speaking of software, Susan Cartier Liebel mentioned she’s using PC Pitstop Erase to erase personal data from her lap top. Since data that has been deleted from your hard drive can be recovered by identity thieves, and stolen lap tops are a major source of identity theft, software like this is something every attorney should have. As I mentioned a few days ago, new laws impose liability on businesses (and that includes law firms) for failing to safeguard certain non-public information, so losing your lap top (or a breach of your desktop) could spell real trouble. If you’ve used PC Pitstop Erase, or something else you can recommend, please add your comments.