Don’t let your ego deter you from your dream


Writer and entrepreneur, Ben Arment, said this:

“Rainmakers generate revenue by making asks. They ask for donations. They ask for contracts. They ask for deals. They ask for opportunities. They ask to meet with leaders or speak to them over the phone. They ask for publicity. They come up with ideas and ask for a few minutes of your time to pitch it. They ask for help.”

So that’s it? That’s why you don’t like marketing? Because of all the asking? Because asking makes you look weak or needy? Because it takes you out of your comfort zone? Because you’re a professional, not a business person or a sales person?

That’s your ego talking, sister. And it’s holding you back.

Arment continued:

“Don’t let rainmaking deter you from your dream. It’s one of the barriers to entry, and you can overcome it. Once you taste the sweet victory of a positive response, you’ll not only become comfortable with it, you might even enjoy it. But making asks is the only way to bring your dream to life.”

And hey, asking isn’t as difficult as you think. Start with something simple. Like this: “Here’s my card. Here’s a couple of extras, in case you run into someone who might need my help.”

Could you do that? Congratulations, you’re a rainmaker.

How to talk to clients about referrals


Rainmaking 101: The two things you need to be successful


Last week, I got an email from an attorney who gets it. I wanted to share it with you to illustrate the two things you need to be successful in marketing. See if you can read between the lines and deduce the “two things”:

Dear David:

I have written you before thanking for the daily dose of encouragement, tips, etc. Thank you again!

I think I have purchased every one of your materials and have implemented your strategies. I am in my 7th month as a “solo.” Through networking, utilizing your suggestions, I was able to land a huge client last week. Prior to that, I brought in several smaller clients that amounted to the same net income as that one client. Also, my website is generating traffic and things are looking up on that end, as well. Your tips/hints/etc. work.

With your help, I am transforming myself into a rainmaker. I have been approached by a seasoned practitioner to move forward with him in his practice. Together we would be able to hunt down bigger animals. We are currently revamping his website and billing system. Hopefully in the next 6-8 months we will be in an even better financial position.

I can’t say it has been all rainbows and sunshine – you know that as well as any other who has gone through the gauntlet.

Please excuse my short rant. I just got excited about rainmaking and wanted to share with you.

Vasko Alexander

So, what do you think? It should be pretty obvious that the first of the two things is “action”. Mr. Alexander didn’t just think about it or talk about it, he did it.

For starters, he actually read my stuff. I have people on my list who get my emails but never (or rarely) read them. Or, they buy my courses but never “crack” them open. I’m sorry, you can’t bring in business through osmosis. You can’t “grok” the information, you actually have to read and internalize it.

Then, he actually tried things. Lots of them. Some worked, some didn’t. Some worked well, some not as much. But he is taking action and getting results. One day at a time.

What made him take action where many others don’t? And, what made him keep going when he hit a bump in the road?

Attitude. He has a positive attitude about the process. He believes in what he’s doing and knows that if he takes action and keeps an open mind, he will eventually get where he wants to go.

Some people have a positive mental attitude. Some have a positively mental attitude.

Attitude is the second of the two things and it precedes action. If you have a positive attitude, you’ll take action and figure out a way to make it work. If you don’t, you won’t.


  • It won’t work
  • It won’t work for me
  • It will take too up too much time
  • It’s too hard
  • It’s taking too long
  • I shouldn’t have to do that
  • I don’t want to do any marketing
  • I already knew that (but you aren’t doing it)


  • I’ll start and learn as I go along
  • I’ll do my best
  • It’s worth it
  • I’ll try lots of ideas and see what works best for me
  • I’ll find something I like and I’m good at
  • If it’s worked for others, it can work for me
  • I know I have to put in time and effort to get results, and I will
  • I’m not expecting big things to happen overnight
  • I’ll make the time

Napoleon Hill said, “Remember, the thoughts you think and the statements you make regarding yourself determine your mental attitude. If you have a worthwhile objective, find the one reason why you can achieve it rather than hundreds of reasons why you can’t.”

Some say, “What if it doesn’t work?” Mr. Alexander said, “What if does?”

Rainmaking is easier when you know The Formula
