Podcasting for your supper


In the last few weeks, I was a guest on a couple of law-related podcasts. I told my story, shared some ideas, and got my name and links promoted to an audience of lawyers interested in marketing and productivity.

When you’re the guest on a podcast, good things happen. You get traffic to your website, subscribers to your newsletter, and more clients or customers.

And, that podcast lives on the net forever, which means you’ll continue to get more business from it–indefinitely.

Not bad for less than an hour’s work.

I say work but it’s really a lot of fun. You’re the guest of honor, the host says nice things about you, and you get to pontificate about your area of expertise.

So, how do you a piece of this sweetness?

In my case, by publishing a lot of content. Eventually, you get noticed and invited.

But you can make “getting discovered” more likely to occur.

Here’s one way:

  1. Identify podcasts (video channels, blogs that do interviews) in your niche. The bigger their audience, the more credibility and influence they have with your target market, the better. But don’t ignore the little guys and gals. They may be big some day, and some of the big boys follow the little guys, looking for ideas and. . . potential interviewees.
  2. Follow them, listen to them, read them, get to know them.
  3. Engage them. Email them and compliment what they’re doing. Add comments to their posts and episodes. Ask questions/offer suggestions for additional topics. Suggest other individuals who might be a good guest.
  4. Share their content with your list(s). Make sure the podcaster knows this, and provide them links to your website, blog, and socials, so they can see what you do and what you might offer them as a guest.
  5. Consider interviewing them for your podcast, channel, blog, or newsletter.

Eventually, you’ll get noticed and invited.

This isn’t as much work as it sounds. You should already be reading, listening, and following these folks–to get ideas for your content, to find potential networking and joint venture partners, and to keep up-to-date with what’s going on in your niche.

Getting invited to someone else’s podcast is also a lot easier than starting your own.

Yes, starting your own podcast is a great way to build your brand, get more subscribers, and bring in more clients–but it takes a lot of time.

More time than what I spend on marketing, which consists primarily of writing a simple daily email (and speaking on other people’s podcasts.)

How to use email to get more new clients, repeat business, and referrals


Less thinking, more doing


If you’re like me, and you are, you think too much. Not about everything, but about many things, especially things you’re not sure you want to do. For most lawyers, anything associated with marketing seems to fall into that category.

You know you need to update your website, for example, but the idea sounds daunting and unpleasant, so you don’t do it. You’d like to get more referrals from other lawyers but you think this will require doing things you won’t want to do (it doesn’t) so you procrastinate.

Thinking is an occupational hazard for smart people.

Lately, I’ve been noodling about starting a podcast. I’m watching videos, learning about equipment and process, reading blog posts, and imagining what it might be like.

Will I be any good at it? Will I get business from it? Is it too complicated, too expensive, or too time consuming?

And. . . most importantly. . . will I like it? Because if I don’t, I know I won’t stick with it.

Sound familiar?

Anyway, the only way to find out any of these things is to actually do it.

Less thinking, more doing.

But here’s the thing. Going from not doing a podcast to doing a podcast is a big leap. Maybe too big. Instead of making that leap, I might do a short audio message for you, or a YouTube video, and see how that goes.

No commitment to a weekly podcast, just a “one-off”. If I like it, I might do another. At that point, I’ll be a different person, have different knowledge, and can make better decisions about what to do next.

Whatever it is that you think you need to do, or think you want to do, try it. Do it once, or do it for a few weeks, and see what you think and how you feel.

Thinking, planning, and research are good things. But you won’t know for sure until you do it.

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