If marketing is everything we do to get and keep good clients (and it is), then you would assume that building a law practice is a marathon, and you would be right.
It’s all of the little things you do, over time, not big things you do once or twice.
It is your daily habit of sending thank you notes or birthday cards. It is the way you always see clients on time and never make them wait. It is writing a blog or newsletter and consistently delivering valuable information in an interesting way. Any one of these “little things” might not make a difference by itself, but over time, your daily habits compound. One day, you find your practice has doubled and you don’t really know how.
But building a law practice can also be a sprint.
Let me explain.
Let’s say you are looking at your calendar for the next 90 days and mapping out what you’re going to do to get your name and face in front of your target market. You plan to line up some speaking engagements, publish some articles, and go to lunch with centers of influence you have identified.
Every week, you book something. You have two speaking engagement each month, a new article coming out once a month, and every Friday, you’re having lunch with another prospective referral source.
This is good.
But there’s another way you could approach this. Instead of spreading everything out over 90 days, what if you did everything over the next two weeks?
You speak every day. You have lunch with someone every day. All of your articles appear this week.
You cram in as much activity as possible over a short period of time.
Why? Because now, your target market sees you “everywhere”. In a two week period, they hear you speak, see your article, and hear your name mentioned by two people they know and respect.
You get noticed. People talk about you. And remember you.
This is why advertisers spend $20,000 to run a bunch of ads this week, rather than $1000 a week for twenty weeks. And why they will run those ads on TV, radio, in print, and online at the same time, rather than TV this week, radio next week, and print the week after that.
Whether you’re spending time or money, concentrating your expenditure in a short period of time allows you to make a bigger impact on your market.
A marathon is you dripping on your target market. A sprint is you opening a fire hose. Never stop running the marathon, but consider getting in a few sprints along the way.
You can build a big practice if you know The Formula. Go here.