In the 1980’s, TV’s “LA Law” depicted a successful downtown Los Angeles law firm where the lawyers were high-paid and attractive (and shagging each other), the clients were rich and often famous, the cases were challenging, the cross-examination was brilliant, and everything was resolved in 44 minutes.
I’m guessing the script for your life is a little different.
Unrealistic as lawyer TV shows are, there are lessons to be learned from shows like these. Lessons about law firm marketing.
What do TV lawyers do to bring in business? They win cases. Their success in the courtroom breeds more success. So, the first tenet of law firm marketing is to be good at what you do. You don’t need a script writer. You don’t need to be brilliant. You just need to be better than the guy at the other table.
Next, they do a lot of networking. They know a lot of other lawyers. They know lots of business owners and executives and centers of influence in their community. They know reporters. They go to lunch with someone just about every day.
They do a lot of public speaking. And write books. And get interviewed.
Hey, they don’t do anything on TV you can’t do in your practice.
There’s one marketing area where fiction and real life part company. On TV, they don’t do much on the Internet because it’s hard to make that visually interesting. You don’t have that restriction, so make sure you have a robust web presence.
Your life may seem boring and routine when compared to TV lawyers, but you can be just as successful. Get good at marketing, bring in lots of business, make lots of money, and you can have what they have. Minus the drama.
By the way, I got the title for this post by using one of the blog post title generators I wrote about yesterday. Have you tried them yet?
Marketing is everything we do to get and keep good clients. Here’s The Formula.