Getting more clients through networking, advertising, writing articles, speaking, and so forth, is the obvious way to grow your law practice, and your income. But there are other ways.
There are three things you can do to increase your income that require no time or money, only a little creativity.
The best part is that if you do ALL THREE THINGS, your practice will grow not arithmetically but. . .
. . .geometrically.
Okay, here are the three things:
1. Enlarge the size of your average engagement
2. Encourage your clients to hire you more often
3. Get your existing clients to refer other clients
You can enlarge the size of your average engagement by offering a "deluxe" version of your services or by packaging your services in ways that offer clients incentives to hire you to do more now.
You can encourage clients to hire you more often by offering "maintenence contracts" or other incentives to use you more often, or by simply staying in touch with clients and reminding them of the need for your services and the benefits thereof.
You can get your clients to refer other clients by asking for referrals or asking them for the names of their friends and colleagues to whom you can send valuable free information, i.e., reports, newsletters, etc., or special offers, or to simply inform them about your services.
You invested time and money in acquiring your clients. Work smart and maximize your profits with bigger engagements and more repeat business and referrals.