My hard drive started making a noise so I ordered a new computer. I also ordered a new external hard drive for back- ups. And yes, I also back up to the cloud.
So I’m good. If disaster strikes, I’m ready.
Going through this process made me think about back-up plans for other areas of my life. I have multiple sources of income but I’m working on new ones. I don’t rely on one marketing method, so if something went awry, I could lean in on the others.
How about you? Do you have back-ups for your machines, your marketing, and your sources of income? Do you have extra food and water at home?
If something bad happens, will you be ready?
In the marketing department, most lawyers get most of their new clients through referrals. At least they should. And when you think about it, referrals have their own built-in back-up plan because referrals come from, or should come from, dozens of individuals–former clients, existing clients, professional referral sources, friends, and so on. If one decides they no longer like you, you still have others.
Referral sources die off, however, and need to be replaced. And you should never rely on referrals just happening, even if they presently do. You should work at making them happen, consistently and in ever-increasing numbers. There are ways to do this, as detailed in my several courses on referrals.
Okay, you’re with me. You regularly do things to stimulate referrals. You’re getting most of your new clients from referrals and that number is growing. Or at least you’re working in that direction.
Good. But what’s your back-up plan?
Yes, a back-up plan for your back-up plan. What else do you do to bring in business? What else will you start doing?
Suggestion? A content-rich website. Just make sure you back that up, too.
How to get more client referrals