My newsletter mailing list has 2,000 names. Should I cut it?


Q: My mailing list has 2,000 names on it and it’s getting costly to mail. What can I do reduce my mailing expenses? Should I cut down the size of the list?

A: Ultimately, you have to determine whether your mailings are producing a profit and the only way to know this is to rigorously track response. If you aren’t at least breaking even, you should make some changes.

You can reduce mailing costs by:

  • Cutting older names
  • Mailing to everyone and ask them to tell you if they want to stay on your list. (Make it easy for them to respond, however, with a postage paid response device, for example, because people are busy and may forget to respond even when they want to remain on your list).
  • Reducing the frequency of your mailings
  • Reducing the weight (which saves on printing/postage)
  • Using bulk rate postage and professional letter shops

But marketing professional services is a process not an event and tracking results can be elusive. How do you know that someone who has been on your list for three years but never hired you won’t become your client (or refer your next client) next month?

The answer is you don’t know. Therefore, I would err on the side of keeping people on your list. But I would segment the list and create different mailing categories.

Your best clients or referral sources, for example, should hear from you more often; monthly is not too often. People who have never hired you or referred to you, however, might hear from you only once or twice a year.

Your BEST source of NEW business will always be people who have hired you or referred to you in the past. Spend more on  them.


“The 30-second rule”: more clients and better verdicts?


In a recent post, How to make people like you, I said that a positive attitude is a key to getting people to like you, especially when dealing with people facing stressful situations. Being liked may not be first on the list of traits you associate with success in the legal field, but countless studies demonstrate that people prefer to do business with people they know, like, and trust. All things being equal, clients will choose you and referral sources will refer to you, because they like you.

Let’s face it, even litigators benefit when juries, judges, adjusters, and opposing counsel like them.

Books like The Likeability Factor: How to Boost Your L-Factor and Achieve Your Life’s Dreams by Tim Sanders and 25 Ways to Win With People:How to Make Others Feel Like a Million Bucks by John C. Maxwell and Les Parrott substantiate this and offer specific strategies for achieving greater likability.

Maxwell and Parrott say the way to make people like you is to make them feel good about themselves when they are with you. One way to do that is with something Maxwell calls, "The 30-Second Rule: within the first thirty seconds of a conversation, say something encouraging to a person."

Maxwell learned this from his father who taught him that when you make contact with people, instead of focusing on yourself, search for ways to make them look good. It could be saying thank you for something they have done for you or someone you know. You might praise them on an accomplishment, or offer a word of encouragement as they work towards a goal. Or you might simply compliment their appearance.

Maxwell encourages us to ask ourselves, "What positive, enouraging thing can I say to each person I will see today?"

With whom is your next appointment? Who will you be speaking with later today? Think about what you could say to them that will make them feel good about themselves, and say it.

This may feel uncomfortable, at first, but give it a try. What might surprise you is how good you feel making others feel good about themselves.


How to influence social media users


It’s just over a month since I began blogging. Here’s a quick self-evaluation:


  1. Posted good content (Positive comments attest thereto)
  2. Posted regularly (nearly five days a week)
  3. Built traffic, subscribers (RSS and newsletter), made new friends
  4. New customers for Referral Magic and The Lawyers’ Marketing Toolkit without paid advertising


  1. Reach out to other bloggers (Comment on their posts, point my readers to their good content)
  2. Improve search engine rankings for certain key words
  3. Learn more about "nettiquite"–what’s the proper way to quote others, post comments on other blogs (i.e., can you link to yours?), etc.
  4. Learn more about "social networking" sites and how I can use them to build traffic and develop relationships with prospective promotion partners and mentors.

An excellent article on, "How to influence social media users" presents a step-by-step plan for doing just that and has applicability to any kind of online networking.

Many of the web sites mentioned I’ve never heard of let alone visited, but they influence millions. So much to learn in this new world. . .


How to make people like you


No, I’m not talking about cloning. (Sorry. Couldn’t resist.)

Psychologists tell us that the most important ingredient for success in personal and business relationships is “liking”. The more people like you, the more success you will tend to have.

The Law of Association says that people associate how they feel about you with how they feel at the time they meet you. If they are in a good mood when they meet you, they tend to associate those good feelings with you and, as a result, be more inclined to like you.

“If you want to be liked by a person, try talking to him when he is in a good mood or excited about something. These feelings are anchored and associated with you, and this person will then come to have positive feelings toward you,” says David J. Lieberman, Ph.d, author of “Get Anyone To Do Anything.”

Most people meet an attorney under times of stress and difficulty. Your challenge, then, when meeting new clients is to make them feel hopeful and positive about solving their problems and about the future. As early in your first meeting as possible, you need to make them feel that “everything is going to be alright”.

That ties into another psychological principle cited by Dr. Lieberman as being a factor in “liking”: positive attitude. “We all seek, like, and admire those who have a positive, happy outlook and perspective on life. Why? Because that is what we all want,” he says.

Don’t worry. Be happy. Get folks to like you.


Google Alerts: Free intel on you, your clients, competition


I use "Google Alerts," their free, automated service, to notify me when anything appears in their database about me, my web sites, or subjects I’m interested in. You should, too.

Find out if someone mentions your name or your firm name in a web page or blog post.

Keep track of news in your practice areas.

Stay abreast of items that mention your clients or prospects, by name, or their industry. Show them you care about them by judiciously forwarding links to that information.

Another way to use Google Alerts is to track information about key people with whom you want to network. You might make a list of key vendors, suppliers, or professional advisors to the types of clients you target. Alerts will allow you to follow what they are doing. For example, if a consultant publishes a new article or gets an award, you can write and congratulate them, offer comments on their article, or propose a joint marketing effort.

The possibilities are endless.

For more information on Google Alerts, go to


Magic words that make you rich


Want to know how to get more referrals? It’s easy. All you have to do is use these MAGIC WORDS:

"Can you help me?"

People like to help. Ask them to do something and chances are they will. You can ask for referrals, of course, or something much simpler and non-threatening, like help in building up your newsletter mailing list.

Here’s another way your clients could help you:

“Would you help me with my practice? It won’t cost you a cent, and you’ll be doing me a big favor. Just take ten of these reports I’ve written and pass them out to your friends or family (clients/customers). I’d really appreciate your help.”

Even if only one in ten actually passes them out, you can quickly get your "expertise" into the hands of a lot of people, along with the implied endorsement of the client or referral source who distributes them.

Simple. Inexpensive. Powerful.


Do you have arrangements or relationships?


I have an arrangement with my dry cleaner. I bring in clothing, he cleans them, I pay. The arrangement works for both of us. We each know what is expected of us, we do it, and we both benefit.

In contrast, I have a relationship with certain business associates. Like my arrangement with my dry cleaner, my business associates and I know (generally) what is expected of us and we all mutually benefit from our relationship. 

But arrangements and relationships are different.

Arrangements are tidy and business-like. The parties know what to do, it’s understood that they will do it, and it usually gets done without a hitch.

Relationships are untidy and time-consuming. There is an emotional element to them. The unexpected often happens, and the consequences can be seriously detrimental.

Relationships are deeper than arrangements, and stronger. Relationships are the foundation for building a strong professional practice. Arrangements come and go, but relationships can last a lifetime.

Do you have arrangements or relationships with your clients and professional contacts? Surely you have both. But unless you have a core group of relationships, your future success is on shaky ground.

If your clients hire you because you do good work and only because of that, your future business with them is as much "at will" as the business I give my dry cleaner. It would not take much to woo me away to another dry cleaner. One screw-up might be all it takes.

Who refers you business? Do you have arrangements or relationships with them?

Relationships are equity. If you work hard for 5-25 years and all you have to show for it are a multitude of arrangements,  then every year you are starting over, and your income is as unpredictable as it was your first year.

You don’t have to develop relationships with everyone. You couldn’t even if you wanted to. Relationships are messy and emotional and require dedication and personal time to develop. You only have time to develop a few relationships, but a few is all you need.
