Remind me to kill you later


My calendar is set to remind me about appointments, meetings, and other time-specific activities, but I don’t use reminders for anything else.

I check my task app, see what I’ve planned for the day, and do it. If I’m not sure about something, the app is only a click away.

I’ve also turned off most push notifications.

I don’t need or want to be reminded about everything in my life. Too many beeps and buzzes and pop-ups—it’s annoying. And distracting when you’re trying to concentrate.

“I’m in the middle of my skin care routine! Thank you for reminding me to take out the garbage, but go away!”

I also don’t like the idea of depending on reminders.

What if they fail? What if I don’t see the reminder? What if I’ve become immune to those pop-ups and beeps and alarms and ignore the little bastards?

I prefer self-reliance, not app-reliance.

I know, some people depend on reminders to gete them through their day. It’s like they’re back in school, waiting for the bell before they go to their next class.

Some folks are addicted. Their watches and phones are their overseers, constantly telling them what to do, when and where, and if they don’t do it, they nag them until they do.

I don’t want to be nagged, do you?

Here’s the thing.

We generally don’t forget to do things we want to do. We don’t need to be reminded to watch our favorite show, play our favorite game, or do the horizontal hokey-pokey.

It’s the chores, the errands, and the work we don’t want to do we find easy to forget, and for those, reminders might help.

So use reminders if and when they serve you, but not for everything.

When I drive by the grocery store, I don’t need my phone to remind me to get pickles.

It’s on my list, okay? (I just need to remember to check my list.)


Use constraints to increase focus


You may have heard that you can accomplish more by doing less. The idea is that when you have fewer things to do, you have more time and energy to do those things and do them well.

Many productivity systems suggest using “WIP Limits” to structure your work, WIP standing for “Work in Progress”. By limiting yourself to fewer (but more important) tasks, you can be more effective than having a dozen lesser tasks on your list that you may or may not get done.

I usually schedule 2 or 3 “most important tasks” for the day. If I get those done, it’s a good day, even if I do little else.

WIP limits are an example of “constraints,” limits to the amount of work you commit to. They acknowledge that we only have so many slots to fill each day and we should fill them with activities that deliver the most value.

One way to implement constraints is by the way you use your task app.

The task management app Todoist allows you to have up to 300 projects in their paid version. A project could be a case or client, an “area of focus” (e.g., work, family, finances, etc.), a time frame (e.g., this week, next week, this month, next month, future) or something else.

You might have 300 clients in your system, each one a project, but you can’t expect to focus if they are all “active” at the same time. You’ll find it easier to focus if you limit yourself to perhaps 5 or 10 active projects.

If you have trouble limiting yourself, you might choose an app that doesn’t allow so many projects or areas, or, in the case of Todoist, downgrade to the free version, which only allows 5 active projects.

Having only 5 slots to fill forces you to choose those slots wisely. It forces you to figure out what’s most important to you, so you can focus on it.

How many active projects, areas of responsibility, clients, or cases do you currently have in your task management system? What might happen if you reduce that number? And what might happen if you schedule fewer tasks each day to do your work?

Over the next few days, consider these questions and how WIP limits and other constraints might help you to focus and be more effective.


The 15-minute weekly review


Do you ever find yourself rushing through your weekly review or skipping it entirely, simply because it takes too long?

Many do.

What if didn’t take so long? What if you could review everything that needs to be reviewed and tick all the boxes that need to be ticked in just 15 or 20 minutes?

How is that possible?

I’ll tell you. But first, a point of clarification.

We call it a weekly review, but we should really call it a weekly “plan” because that’s what it is (or should be). A little reviewing, but mostly planning the upcoming week.

Therein lies a clue.

Istead of spending an hour or more reviewing all of your projects and tasks, past, present, and future, just review the tasks and projects that pertain to the following week.

If you aren’t going to work on a project this week, schedule time to review and plan that project next week, next month, or some other later date.

And don’t think about it until then.

The result is a shorter and more focused plan for the upcoming week. You’re welcome.

But yes, there is a catch.

If you want to create the future, you can’t ignore it, so besides a weekly planning session, you need to allocate time to plan those future weeks and months.

Yes, a monthly review (plan).

Once a month, schedule time to consider your goals—the outcomes you want to achieve that month and beyond—and identify the projects and tasks you need to work on to achieve those outcomes.

So far, so good. But yes, there’s another catch.

The daily plan.

It’s the key to making this all work.

Every evening, take 5 or ten minutes to plan your work for the following day.

Look at your calendar and your weekly plan, identify your most important tasks for tomorrow, and put them on a short list.

When tomorrow arrives, you know exactly what to do.

Let’s recap.

Schedule 15 or 20 minutes once a week to plan the week ahead. Once a month, schedule time to plan the upcoming month. And each afternoon or evening, take 5 or 10 minutes to plan the following day.

So, are you nodding your head in agreement? Does this sound doable? Easier than forcing yourself to spend an hour or two each week going over your entire life?

If it does, and you do this consistently, you will become a productive powerhouse and goal-achieving Ninja.

Unfortunately, there’s one more catch.

You have to do the work.

Sorry. You can’t spend all day reading emails and blog posts from yours truly. Much as you would like to, I’m sure.


New year, new you. Or something.


I’m trying out a new task manager. It’s not that I’m looking to replace the app I currently use, it’s that trying out a new app makes it easier and more fun to do a “task reset,” something I do periodically but especially at the beginning of a new year.

Basically, that means I’m cleaning house.

I’m purging old tasks and projects I realize I’m not going to do, organizing the ones I still want to do, and moving my most important tasks and projects front and center.

No matter how effective our systems are, they tend to slow down after we’ve used them for awhile, often to the point of overwhelming us. When you feel like you don’t want to look at your lists anymore, it’s probably time to do a reset.

Moving things to a new app makes that easier because it forces you to go through everything one by one, and consider its importance. A new app helps that process because it is unfamiliar. You have to slow down as you figure out how to use it, what you want to add or keep, and where to put it.

When you’re done, you should have a smaller number of important projects to focus on and fewer things to distract you.

But you don’t need a new app to do this. You can do a task reset in the app you currently use.

First, move all your tasks and projects and routines from their current place of “residence” in the app into a temporary home, a new project labeled “reset” for example, leaving the rest of the app empty.

Then, go through everything you just moved, item by item, and move them back to either their original home (project, area, file, folder, etc.), or a new one.

Make each task, project, or goal earn a place in your new setup.

New year. New you. New setup.


Lazy or busy?


No doubt you’ve head the expression, “If you want something done, give it to a busy person”.

Why would you give it to a busy person? They have no time.

Maybe you’ve heard another version, “If you want something done, give it to a lazy person.”

Why give it to a lazy person? They’re… lazy!

But both versions make perfect sense.

Busy people and lazy people seem to be at the opposite ends of the productivity spectrum, but they’re actually on the same page.

Both want to get things done quickly and efficiently, with as little time and effort as possible. Busy people don’t have time to waste. Lazy people have time but don’t want to waste it.

Being busy (or lazy) forces you to be (a) more selective about what you do, and (b) more creative about how you do it.

Both lazy people and busy people avoid taking on projects that aren’t the “highest and best” use of their time.

They’re both good at delegating.

Both use shortcuts, templates, forms, and checklists.

Both look for ways to leverage their efforts, such as re-purposing content and (in the case of professionals) prioritizing repeat business and referrals over marketing to the cold market.

And both say no to good ideas to make room for great ones.

In short, both are effective and productive, because they’ve figured out how to make the most of what they have.

If you want to be more productive, be lazy. Or busy if you like that better. Either way, you’ll get more done.


You can always add more plates


Next year will soon be this year, and this is a good time to do some planning.

New goals, new projects, updates, changes.

Do yourself a favor. Make it a short list.

Conventional wisdom tells us to shoot for the moon. Big goals, lots of projects, run hard and do as much as you can do. Cut your plans only if you run out of time or energy, because if you start small, you won’t accomplish as much.

For me, it’s the other way around.

If I start big, I find it easy to get overwhelmed. I prefer to start out with too little rather than too much. A few key ideas, projects, and goals.

When I look at my list, I want to feel good about what I see. I want to be inspired, excited, ready for the adventure ahead.

Some people like a schedule that’s filled to the brim. They want to always be busy. I prefer a schedule that’s relatively open, and fill in the blanks with whatever I’m drawn to.

I like to have a general idea of where I want to go, not a detailed itinerary with every moment thought out in advance. I like to add things as I think of them rather than subtract and postpone things because I didn’t have enough time.

Adding is fun. Subtracting isn’t.

I know that when I have too many projects and tasks, I’m busy working but not necessarily doing the things that matter most. When I have too many plates to keep spinning, eventually, I don’t want to look at my plates any more.

I like to get a couple of plates spinning, see how it’s going and how I feel about adding more.

Because you can always add more plates.


Growth happens


Some days, you open your task app, look at your today list, and think “I’ve got this.”

Your list looks do-able. It feels about right—not too long, not too difficult. It calls to you and says, “Let’s get this done!”

Other days, you open your list and think, “Crap!” There’s too much to do, everything looks important and difficult, and you realize you’ll never get it all done today.

Your list is overwhelming. You don’t even want to look it let alone get to work.

We do our best to avoid loading up our lists with too many tasks. But we’re human and often bite off more than we can chew.

Our weekly review helps. But over time, we tend to add new tasks faster than we finish old ones, so our lists are perpetually growing.

Which means, despite our best efforts, sometimes our lists get out of control.

When that happens, it’s time to do some maintenance and repairs.

Which is what I did this past weekend.

I knew it was time because I found myself deferring more tasks each day than I was actually doing.

That’s called a clue.

The first thing I did was go through my lists, cut out tasks I knew I wasn’t going to do, and consolidate duplicates. That probably reduced the total by 15% or 20%. Not a bad start.

I usually keep 4 primary lists: Today, Next (this week), Later, and Someday/Maybe. The next thing I did was go through my lists again and “downgrade” tasks.

I moved some Today tasks to Next, Next tasks to Later, and Later tasks to Someday. Doing that means I won’t have to look at as many tasks each day and each week.

And that makes a huge difference.

When “Today” has no more than 10 tasks on it, I know I can get that done. More than that and I feel resistance.

It wasn’t a complete task reset. More like grooming my lists and making them more presentable. A long overdue shave and a haircut.

Moving forward, there are two things left to do.

First, I still need to go through my Someday/Maybe list and give that a trim. That’s scheduled for the end of this month.

The other thing I need to do to keep my lists manageable is schedule a new recurring task, to do what I did this weekend every 60 days.

Coincidentally, we had the trees in our front yard trimmed this weekend. We’ll have to do that again next year.

Because growth happens.


The first (and only) rule of prioritization


You’ve got a lot of options. Goals, plans, ideas, things to do. And you want to prioritize them so you know what to focus on.

But you can’t prioritize a list of options. You can only have one priority.

One project, one goal, one thing you decide is most important to you right now.

Everything else? Not your priority. Everything else has to wait.

Many people understand this conceptually, but don’t do it. They work on too many things in parallel and disperse their energy in too many directions. They usually take longer to finish things this way and are more likely to get poorer results.

Imagine if you worked on only one thing at a time and gave it all of your brain power and physical energy. “I’m doing THIS,” you say, you get to work on it and continue until you finish.

Think about how liberating and empowering this would be, and how good it would feel to focus on “Plan A” and not even think about “Plan B”.

Yes, you have other obligations, other things you need to do in the course of your day. You can’t spend all your time on your priority.

No. But you can commit to never letting a day go by without doing something related to your priority. And it if you have chosen the right priority, you will.

If building a successful law practice is your priority, you will work on marketing every day


Quick, write this down


I don’t know if David Allen originated the idea of ubiquitous capture, or merely popularized it (and I’m too lazy to look it up), but it’s something I do and recommend.

In a nutshell, it means being able to capture ideas and thoughts and things to do, wherever we are and whatever else we might be doing—so we don’t forget them.

Because we will forget them if we don’t.

I know, some say that if it’s a good idea, we’ll think of it again. They also say most of our fleeting thoughts aren’t worth spit, so don’t worry about capturing everything. But I’m not so sure.

Besides, the more we practice the art of capturing ideas, the more ideas our brain will produce, so even if most of our ideas aren’t useful, we’ll get more that are.

I don’t know if there’s a scientific basis for this, but it sounds good to me, so that’s what I’m going with.

So, I have apps on my phone and computer which allow me to jot down or dictate the idea and save it to my notes program or task program, for later processing and action. I’m sure you do, too.

I also keep a pad of paper and pen nearby my desk and side chair, because it’s often quicker to capture an idea the old-fashioned way.

But here’s the thing. The ideas I capture with a pen often feel different from the ones I capture digitally.

I can’t explain it. There’s something about how it feels to scratch words on paper and the movement of my hand across the page that feels more organic. It’s as though I’m more closely connected to those thoughts; they are the product of a deeper part of my brain.

And no, writing with a stylus on glass isn’t the same. At least for me.

Studies tell us that taking notes on paper fosters better understanding, and those notes are remembered longer, too. So there must be something to it.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I love my apps. I love dictation. I’m a digital guy most of the time. But when I want to get something down quickly, and especially when I don’t quite know what I think or what I want to say, I often reach for a pen to figure that out.

So, boys and girls, don’t throw out your legal pads just yet. But okay, you can get them in other colors.


4 simple rules for getting more out of the books you read


Tim Denning, prolific author and blogger and reader of books, answered a question about how to get more out of the books you read. Lawyers obviously read a lot and might want to note Denning’s rules, all of which I agree with and practice.

His first rule is to “stop finishing books”. If you’re not getting anything out of a book, or getting enough, move on.

“Don’t waste your life on crappy books,” he says.

I routinely do this with ebooks that don’t deliver on their promise. In other words, most of them. I’ve donated hundreds of paperbacks to the library bookstore, many of which I barely touched.

I spend a lot on books but following this rule has saved me a lot of time, and I have to score this as a net profit.

My corollary: Books are like a meal. Just because you paid for it doesn’t mean you have to consume it.

Next, Denning says he focuses primarily on the first few chapters of a non-fiction book, where, he says, the author will provide the best bits in an effort to hook the reader. “The rest of a book is filler,” he says.

In my experience, this is mostly true, but not always. If the opening chapters don’t get me, I usually skim the next few and often find some gold; if I don’t, off with its head.

Denning’s third rule is something I do only occasionally but think I should do more: “Go to the table of contents and read the chapters that appeal to you.”

Meaning, skip the chapters that don’t.

Sometimes, I start with the chapters that grab me, and come back to the others.

I like to give the author (and reviewers) the benefit of the doubt. I keep thinking I’ll find a nugget or two in a chapter that seems less relevant, but if I’m honest, it doesn’t happen often enough to justify reading an entire book to find those nuggets.

Last rule: Re-read the books you love.

100% agree.

I always get something new out of a second or third or fifth reading of a good book. I highlight my highlights, make notes in the margins, and write my own “permanent” notes in my notes app.

Books are like a meal. Good books are like a feast.
