“I thought I was being considerate”


David Gaughran is an author and I’m on his email list. His latest newsletter issues a warning to those of us who write a newsletter, and those who want to.

He tells how he made a pact with his readers, telling them that if they signed up for his list, he would promise not to email them until he had a new book coming out.

“I thought I being considerate. I thought it would attract more people to my list. . . I thought most readers wouldn’t really care to hear from me in-between releases, and that I’d run out of things to say. . . I was wrong–so very, very wrong.”

What happened?

“People forgot who I was. Open rates fell. . . fewer and fewer were clicking and less again were buying. Reviews were dropping. Sales were increasingly tepid. It was a cascading clusterfudge of exponential fail.”

Emailing your list occasionally, e.g, only when you have an announcement or something “important” to say, is not the way to build a responsive list.

What is a responsive list?

A list that looks forward to hearing from you and reading what you write.

A list that comes to know, like, and trust you because of what you write, and then hires you or re-hires you.

A list of people who may never need your services (or need them again) but know people who do and refer them to you.

A list of people who tell others about your events, your videos, your articles, and your newsletter, and thus help you build your list.

Not a list of people who forget who you are or that they signed up on your list.

Gaughran has seen the error of his ways and is changing his approach. If your list isn’t responsive, or isn’t as responsive as you’d like, you might do the same.

It’s not difficult. Write something your list wants to read and send it to them often.

If you’d like to learn how to do that effectively, and why it’s a lot easier than you might think, head on over to this page to learn more.




Got an email recently from a business consultant who contacts me a few times a year.

That’s her first mistake. A few times a year and people forget who you are or why they signed up on your list. Or IF you signed up on your list.

But I remembered her and didn’t send her email to spam.

Unfortunately, even though we’ve spoken, she didn’t remember me.

Her email started like this: “Hi David”.

So far, so good.

Then it said, “As a female entrepreneur or professional who provides a service paid by the hour, or by the session, I would love your thoughts.

I am doing important research about business women like you and would much appreciate 15 minutes of your time.”

Yeah, not female, don’t charge by the hour, don’t have sessions.

And that’s why I usually don’t segment my lists and when I do, I keep it simple.

Because if you make a mistake, you lose credibility and subscribers.

Put me on a list of professionals or consultants or brilliant minds, we’re good. Put me on a list of people who haven’t bought, ditto.

Or, put me on one list, along with all of your subscribers, and don’t sweat the details.

Then you can write, “If you’re a female entrepreneur. . .”

And not worry about making a mistake (or trying to clean up your lists after you hear from a bunch of subscribers who are on the wrong list.)

Now. . . don’t misunderstand.

When you do segment your lists and you know precisely to whom you’re speaking, it’s good to be able to show them you know who they are and what they do.

When you write to a niche market, for example, you want to talk about issues that pertain to that market. You want to use industry-specific terms and tell stories about people in that niche.

When you do that, your readers see that you “get” them and you often get a higher response.

Just be careful. Make sure you haven’t messed up your lists.

And if you’re not sure, make sure you say, “If. . .”.

Email marketing for attorneys


4 out 5 people don’t open your emails (and that’s okay)


The “open rate” for emails in the legal “industry” is 22%, according to this article. About average, it turns out, across all industries. 

So, why do I rap incessantly about how effective email is for marketing a law practice?

Because a low open rate doesn’t matter. Just seeing your name show up in their email inbox makes a difference. 

Not everyone who gets your email needs your services when your email arrives. Nor do they have time to read every message. But, every time they get an email from you, they see that you’re still helping people solve legal problems and still sending out your newsletter as promised. 

You make an impression every time you send. 

And, when they do need you, or talk to someone who needs your help, they remember you are in their life (and inbox) and read your latest. 

You may be curious about my “open rate”. It must be through the roof, right?

I don’t know. I don’t track my open rate or click rate or any other rate. It’s not important to me. As long as I’m getting sales, that’s all that counts. 

I write something I think you’ll find interesting or useful, makes you think or makes you laugh. I tell you about my products and services, books and course, and tell you what they can do for you. 

As long as people buy or hire me, I’m good.

I don’t get bogged down in the minutia. I don’t sweat the small stuff or spend a lot of time trying to write the perfect missive.

I put some words on “paper” and send it out.

Which is precisely what you should do with your newsletter.  

You can learn everything you need to know right here.


Never forget rule #1


Rule #1 of marketing: Nobody cares about you, they only care about themselves.

They don’t care about your office move–unless your new office is more convenient for them. They don’t care about your new website design–unless it makes it easier for them to find things they want. They don’t care about your vacation, what you ate for dinner, how you broke your leg or the birth of your latest grandchild.

Not really.

They may be mildly curious, they may congratulate you or wish you a speedy recovery, but they have their own lives to lead and they care about that far more than anything–or anyone–else.

I’m not saying you should never mention news about your work or anything about your personal life. You should. It allows people to get to know you better and that’s a good thing.

Just don’t talk about it too much or too often or think that anyone really cares.

Because they don’t.

Instead, talk about things they care about. Things that interest them or help improve their life or their business.

Talk about THEM. Name names if you’re able and talk about their business or industry something going on in their neighborhood.

If you target tech professionals, for example, talk about market trends (laws, changes, news, etc.) that affect them. Talk about people they know or might want to hear about. Talk about problems and solutions, predictions and stories related to their niche.

They’ll read every word you write.

They’ll also see you as someone who understands and supports them and they will share your content and recommend you to their colleagues and advisors.

You’ll build a reputation in their niche as THE attorney for that niche. Which means your marketing will be easier, less expensive, and more effective.

Where do you get all this information? From your clients and from other professionals who target that market, and from doing some research.

Inside Email Marketing for Attorneys, I’ve included guidelines to help you do that.

To see what it’s all about, go to Email Marketing for Attorneys.


Never before, never again


When you want people to do something–read your post, register for your event, take you up on your offer–it’s almost always a good idea to use an appeal to urgency.

You want to convey the feeling that what you’re offering or promoting has “never before been available, and it never will again.”

You probably won’t say those words (although you might) but that’s the feeling you want to convey.

Urgency is an important tool in your marketing toolbox because it’s tough enough to get people to do anything, even when it is in their best interests.

Urgency, special offers, scarcity, and other “devices” usually increase response. I use them. You should too.

Problem is, we know that most people are busy and don’t have time to watch every video or read every post.

I’m on a lot of lists and when I get an email telling me a certain video I wanted to watch will be taken down in 24 hours, more often than not, I delete the email and carry on with my day.

But here’s the thing.

When I get an email from certain people, I do everything in my power to watch the video or visit the page.

I trust and respect them and if they’re recommending it, I’m in.

I have a short (mental) list of people I follow that don’t have to try hard to “sell” me on anything. It doesn’t mean I’m going to buy everything they sell or recommend, just that they have earned the right to my attention.

I hope I have earned that right with you. That’s the goal. To be on your shortlist of “must-reads”–someone you respect and trust and listen to.

And that should be your goal with your list.

Most people won’t make the cut. But if you can earn the trust and loyalty of even a small percentage of the people on your list, you’ll be in good shape.

If you do it right, those people will keep your waiting room filled.

They’ll supply you with repeat business and referrals. They’ll send traffic to your website, promote your content and events, and otherwise help your list and your practice grow.

If you don’t have a list, it’s time to start one. If you do have a list, it’s time to send them something.

How to do email right


Hard selling your list


You have a list. You want your subscribers, friends, and followers to hire you, refer you, promote you, or otherwise do something that will (eventually) bring you more business.

That’s why you have a list, right?

You want people who have never hired you to pull the trigger. You want old clients to contact you about a new matter. You want referrals, reviews, sign-ups for your seminar, and you want people telling others about you or your content so you can build your list.

But you don’t want to overdo it. You don’t people on your list to leave or get pissed off and then leave. You don’t want people to think you’re too spammy or unprofessional.

So, how much is too much?

First, as long as you’re writing something your readers find interesting or valuable or that allows them to connect with you, you can’t write too often. Even every day is not too often.

So, not boring. Check.

But what about selling? How “pushy” or “salesy” can you be, should you be, and how much is too much?

In a nutshell: soft sell regularly and hard sell occasionally.

Yes, I said hard sell. You can (and should) do it because there are people on your list who need your help but need a little push. A hard sell from time to time may be just what they need to finally take action.

Good for them and obviously good for you.

Just don’t do it all the time because you’ll wear out your welcome.

We’ve all signed up on lists where everything we get is a hard sell. Pitch, pitch, pitch, urgency, scarcity, now or never, coming out of their pores.

Yeah, don’t be that guy.

Marketing is seduction. You can’t constantly ask your list to go to bed with you.

But this isn’t something most attorneys do. Most attorneys do the opposite.

They send lots of information but never sell anyone on anything.

News flash: you’re not in the information delivery business.

You’re in the helping business, so tell people what to do to get your help.

Tell your subscribers to make an appointment or call with questions or sign up for your next event.

Do that regularly because you never know when someone on your list is ready to take the next step.

While you’re at it, tell them to invite their friends to see your video, read your blog, or sign up for your newsletter. Their friends need your help, too.

Sometimes, you push a little. Sometimes, you push a lot. Sometimes, you add a link (and a few descriptive words) and let your readers decide if there’s something they should see.

In other words, mix it up.

In other words, be normal. Like you’re having an ongoing conversation with people you care about and want to have in your life for years to come.

Because you are.

My email course shows you how to do it right


Want people to read your emails?


By far, the best way to get people to read your emails is to send those emails to people who know who you are.

A client or former client or a business contact will open your email because they recognize your name and want to hear what you say.

Your clients and business contacts–your warm market–read your emails because they know, like, and trust you. The same is true of your newsletter subscribers.

When you send email to people who don’t know you, it’s a different story.

If you write to strangers, or to people who relatively new on your list and may not yet recognize your name or recall that they signed up for your newsletter, you have to use the “subject line” in your email to get them to read your message.

The subject line is the headline for your message. Like any headline, it has to first get the reader’s attention and then give them a reason to read more.

Your subject line should make them curious or promise a benefit or otherwise inspire them to click to see what your message is all about.

Quick example.

Let’s say you don’t know me but I want you to read my email that tells you about my course on building your practice with email. In the subject, I might say, “Want people to read your emails?” because I know that when you read that, you’ll probably answer in the affirmative (and then open the email to see how to do that.)

Like the subject of the email you’re reading right now.

And yes, my email marketing course does show you how to write email subject lines that get people to open and read your emails. It also includes 203 ‘irresistible’ email subject lines you can use, to help you do just that.


Why nobody reads your newsletter


I see a lot of attorney’s newsletters. I see them but I don’t read them because, well, why should I? I can get that information anywhere.

The same goes for a lot of blogs, articles, videos, and other content.

The information is often good. Legal and business or consumer tips that can help the reader accomplish something or learn something useful.

The problem is the author doesn’t give anyone a reason to read their version of the information.

Fortunately, there’s an easy fix.

Put some of “you” into the writing. Tell readers your experience with or opinion of the information.

Instead of sending your readers an article or a link to an article about how to take better photos, for example, tell them why you wanted to take better photos of your kids and that you found a site that helped you do that in less than 30 minutes, and now your family loves your photos.

Instead of telling them how insurance companies trick people and what to watch out for, tell your readers about a client who got tricked by an adjuster into settling his case for much less than it was worth, or a client who wisely called you for advice before they signed a release and didn’t fall into that trap.

Instead of sending a list of books everyone should read in their lifetime, tell them about a book you read recently and why you recommend it. Tell them what you liked, what you got out of it, what you agreed with, and where you differed.

In other words, instead of sending your readers an information dump, tell them how you or your clients or others have used that information, and benefited, or failed to use it, to their detriment.

Stories, bub. Context. Examples from your practice or personal life.

Not just “the information” but what you think about the information.

Put some personality into your writing.

Do that, and your subscribers will not only read and enjoy your newsletter, they’ll look forward to reading your next issue.

If you want to learn more ways to write a newsletter your subscribers will love to read, get my email marketing for attorneys course


It’s not how big it is. . .


I’m talking about your list, of course. Having a big one is important to many people but, like other things in life, it’s not how big it is, it’s what you do with it.

If you have a small email list but you get a lot of new clients each month from it, you’re a stud. If you’ve got a huge list but nobody signs up, well, don’t go bragging about the size of your list.

Okay, I’ve milked that analogy enough. Oops, maybe not.

Anyway, it’s a valid point. It’s not the size of your list that’s paramount, it’s how responsive it is.

You want your subscribers to read what you write, not ignore your emails because you give them too much to read or your message isn’t relevant to them.

You want a list that looks forward to hearing from you because your emails are interesting or fun to read and never boring.

You want a list that engages with you, by replying to your questions and responding to your offers.

You want a list of people who like and trust you so that when they need you (or know someone who does), they don’t hesitate to contact you or refer you.

So yeah, grow your list. But don’t obsess over size and don’t worry about having a small one.

If you want to know how to build a responsive list and get more clients with email without spending a lot of time or money, that’s what my email marketing course is all about.

Details here


Inbox zero problem–solved


I’ve been pretty good about maintaining inbox zero, that is, cleaning out my email inbox every day (or two).

Things I can do quickly, I do. Things that require more time or I want to save I forward to Evernote. Everything else gets trashed or archived.

Lately, I found myself getting behind. A lot. To the point that I didn’t want to look at my inbox anymore.

Last night, I took action. I added a label to 415 emails (from one guy) and archived them, leaving me with just 39 emails that I’ll handle today.

Yes, that’s a lot of emails from one guy. He writes seven days a week, more when he’s promoting something. I didn’t want to delete them because I get a lot of value from his emails and I want to be able to read them.

Never met the guy but I feel like I know him and I welcome his counsel.

Maybe you feel the same about my emails. You like them, you get information and ideas from them, but you can’t always keep up with me.

You might want to do what I did: label and archive (or put them in a folder) so you can read them later.

You won’t hurt my feelings.

And, if you write a newsletter, you might suggest this to your subscribers, in case they find themselves falling behind.

They can read you later, when they need your help, or when they see the boring dreck written by your competition and miss hearing your “voice”.

It’s not important that your subscribers read everything you write. What’s important is that they see you are still writing to them. See that you’re still helping clients, and still available to them when they need your help.

So, go ahead and write often. Just don’t write dreck.

My email marketing course shows you how to write emails your clients and prospects want to read.
