Email marketing (isn’t) dead


In fact, it’s better than ever. And better than just about any other type of marketing an attorney can do.

It’s better because it lets you communicate directly with past clients, prospective clients, and people who can refer, endorse and recommend you. 

You can’t beat the price, the ease of use, or the speed with which email can produce results. A simple click and in a few minutes or a few hours, a new client could sit across from you, filling out paperwork and writing a check. 

Why do some people say email marketing doesn’t work? Because they haven’t done it right, or done it at all. 

Email doesn’t work when the emails are poorly written, uninteresting, or fail to tell readers what to do next.    

Email doesn’t work when sent to people who haven’t heard from the sender in a long time and don’t remember them or never knew them, e.g., spam, and people who don’t need or want legal services or know people who might. 

Email doesn’t work if the emails don’t get opened because they lack a compelling subject line. 

Email doesn’t work when they don’t give readers a reason to respond or don’t carry a sense of urgency. 

Email doesn’t work when emails are sent too frequently, or, more likely, not frequently enough. 

And, for a lawyer, email doesn’t work when it lacks professionalism and trustworthiness, e.g., they make the lawyer look silly or desperate. 

On the other hand, when done right, email marketing is one of the best kinds of marketing a lawyer can use. 

Done right means building an opt-in list, staying in touch with the list, and providing value to your readers. 

That’s good news because you can do that without breaking a sweat (or your bank account). 

Your email may be brief. You don’t need to write every day. You just need to say enough, and often enough, to stay in the minds and mailboxes of people who can hire or refer you, and give them reasons to do that.

Here’s how to get started: 

How to make your phone ring


How to never run out of ideas for your blog or newsletter


If you’re like me (and I’m sure you are), the writing is easy. The hard part is figuring out what to write about. 

What do your readers want to know? What do they need to hear? What will they find interesting or useful? 

If you create content, you need ideas. Lots of them. And you should start working on compiling a big list you can tap into when you need to write something and don’t have a topic. 

A great way to get ideas is to steal them from other content creators. Or, if you prefer, “borrow” them because ideas don’t belong to anyone. 

So, borrow ideas from other lawyers (in your field or in a complementary field). Borrow ideas from consultants, accountants, financial experts, business owners, and other smart or interesting people.

Borrow ideas from newsletters or blogs that target readers in your clients’ industries or local markets. 

Borrow ideas from anything you see or hear that catches your attention and might be good to share with your clients and subscribers. 

When you find a blog that has something you might use someday, bookmark it. If they have a newsletter, subscribe to it, so their posts wind up in your inbox. 

A few good newsletters or blogs might give you enough ideas to last for months or years. 

(NB: You might want to set up another email address for that purpose). 

Then, use those ideas to create your own content when you need it and are late for court or need more sleep or can’t think of anything to say.  

Grab someone’s article or post, summarize what they said and tell your readers why you agree or disagree. Or write about the same subject with your own examples or stories or reasoning. 

Or just use their article or email as a prompt and write whatever comes to mind. 

Because you don’t want to be late to court. 


Nothing to write about? 


You promised yourself you would write an article or blog post or newsletter, record a video, or prepare a talk for your networking group, but you don’t know what to write about.

Don’t panic. And don’t force it. Skip the day and try again tomorrow. 

Tomorrow, you might

  • Republish something you wrote a year or two ago; yes, you can do that. Most of your readers won’t remember (or care). And you have new subscribers or audience who haven’t heard that story before.
  • Cut up that old 1200-word article and publish one of your points, perhaps 300 words, and call it a day.
  • Rewrite that older piece. Update the law, use different examples or arguments, add a new story, change the headline, and you’re good to go. 

Great. Immediate problem solved. For the future, here are some options:

  • Consider allowing (or soliciting) guest posts from other lawyers or experts. Or asking a colleague to co-author an article with you.
  • Ask your readers to submit questions they would like you to answer.  
  • Collect articles by other lawyers and experts that might interest your readers and use those articles to spark ideas for your next post. I do that all the time; can you tell?
  • Set up an idea file. Anything you think about, wonder about, hear about… throw it in this file and dig through that file when you’re looking for ideas. 
  • Document your days: jot down a few lines about interesting or difficult clients or cases, opposing counsel, problems you solved, or people you meet, because it’s all fodder for your next post. 

You can write about anything. And you should because it will make things a lot easier for you and more interesting for your readers.


Blog or newsletter?


Eventually, both. Each is different, each has advantages over the other. So, when you have more time or staff, or a bigger list, use them both. 

I do. But I make things as simple as possible by posting my newsletter on my blog and sending my blog posts to my newsletter list. 

If you’re new to online marketing, or looking to up your game, but you’re not ready to do both, decide what’s more important to you. 

If your primary interest is getting more traffic, start with a blog. Optimize it for search terms that pertain to your field and prospective clients will find you, see what you know and do, and if they like what they see, contact you to ask a question or make an appointment. 

If you’re primarily interested in enhancing your relationships with existing and former clients and business contacts, leading to repeat business and referrals, start with a newsletter. 

I just listened to an expert who said the purpose of a blog is to “inform and create more direct calls to action leading to sales,” while the purpose of a newsletter is to “entertain and build authority”. 


I see a blog as a mechanism for informing, building authority, and generating leads. I see a newsletter as a mechanism for building a relationship with people who have already found you, via a blog or other means. A newsletter is usually more personal. A blog is more formal. 

Here’s an important point to consider:

A newsletter is a much better way to get people who have found your website or blog to return, something you can’t count on a blog to do because you can’t count on people who found you through search conducting that same search again, even if they’re still looking. Yes, people can subscribe to your blog and be notified when you post a new one, but I wouldn’t count on that either.

In short, use your blog to attract new people and your newsletter to get those people to call you and to return to your blog to see what else you say. 

Of course, you should also use your blog to generate sign-ups for your newsletter. 

They work together nicely. 

You know what else works nicely with a blog and newsletter combo? Social media. I found the aforementioned expert who talked about the differences between a blog and a newsletter through a video. 

I wasn’t searching, but YouTube thought I might be interested.  


Originally is overrated


For creating content—blog posts, articles, videos, presentations, or anything else meant to inform or inspire your readers and followers, the writing is the easy part. 

What to write is the challenge. 

You don’t want to write what everyone else writes about, or say the same things, so you stay away from certain subjects or points of view, hoping to find something unique and borderline amazing. 

But this is unnecessary. 

Most of your readers and listeners aren’t reading or listening to others in your niche and if they are, they’re not reading or listening too carefully. 

But even if you write something nearly identical to what others write, your article will still be different.

Because you are different. 

Your experience, cases and clients, stories, opinions, and writing style might be similar, but they aren’t the same. 

So, relax. You don’t have to create original content. 

In fact, I’ll go out on a limb and say that it is usually better not to. It’s usually better to write about the same things others in your space are writing about. The existence of their articles and posts and videos shows that there is a “market” for those ideas. 

People read those posts and they will read yours.

Knowing this should not only encourage you to let go of whatever might hold you back from creating (enough) content, it gives you a simple way to find all the ideas you will ever need. 

Here’s the plan.

Once or twice a month, browse through the list of blogs and newsletters or channels you follow, whether lawyers, industry experts, or other creators who inspire you, and bookmark several posts you can use as fodder to create your own. 

I do it. Sometimes, I get the “perfect” subject to use for my next article or post. Sometimes, I get nothing and those posts go back into the slush pile or get deleted to make room for something new. 

And sometimes, I zero in on a small part of something someone said and I’ll say something about that. 

In a few minutes, I have my subject. I’ll add a headline or title and my new post is almost nothing like the original. 

If you aren’t doing this now, try it. Nobody owns ideas. Besides, they are only a prompt. A place to start. And when you’re crazy busy cranking out billable work, a place to start is your best friend. 


It’s easy to mess this up (and easy to fix)


Look at the multitude of emails in your inbox. Without opening each email, can you tell who sent it?

If you recognize the name of the sender, or other identifying information appears in the “subject,” you probably do. If you don’t, what do you do?

Do you open the email and read it to find out who sent it? Do you delete it? Or mark it as SPAM and then delete it? 

Ah, but if you delete it, you might miss something important. If you mark it as spam, this will hurt the sender’s “reputation” in the eyes of email service providers, and affect their email deliverability rate. 

Why should you care? Because the same thing can happen to you if you do the same things they do. 

Recently, I signed up for a newsletter from a reputable company I wanted to hear from. I got their welcome email, followed by several follow-ups. 

So far, so good. 

Then I got an email from the same company, but the “sender” was a different person. I didn’t recognize their name and deleted it.  

A few days later, I got another email from someone else at the company whose name I also didn’t recognize. 

And this continues. 

It’s annoying and I’m “this close” to unsubscribing, in which case, everyone loses. 

Don’t let this happen to you. 

Send your email to clients, prospects, subscribers, and colleagues with your name as the sender. Not your firm’s name, not the name of someone else in the firm.


Recipients see your name, recognize it, and let you into their inner sanctum (if they deem you worthy).

Problem solved. 

Email is a personal medium. A sender and a recipient. And through that process, a relationship begins. As you nurture that relationship, it gets stronger, providing your recipient with additional value and information, eventually leading to new business for you.  

If you send your email from different names, people get confused about who’s contacting them and that relationship often never develops.

Make it easier on yourself and your recipients by sticking with one sender’s name. Ideally, yours.

Email marketing for attorneys


What do you like best about this article?


What would you like me to change? How often would you like to hear from me? What topics would you like me to cover?

Just a few of the questions you can ask the readers of your blog or newsletter via a survey or poll.

You can find out if they think you publish too often or not often enough. If they like the topics you write about or want to you write about other subjects. If they have questions about the subject or any other subject.

And they’ll tell you.

You’ll get valuable feedback about what you’re doing, ideas for future content, and learn how often your readers want you to post or publish.

Maybe you need to make some improvements. Or maybe you’re doing things just right.

But be careful. You won’t always get the truth.

Readers often say things they think they should say (or they think you want to hear) rather than what they really think or want. So take everything with a grain of salt and look for patterns.

If a significant percentage want you to write shorter pieces or publish less often, or they want you to write a follow-up to your last post, you should at least consider it.

The goal is to find out what they want so you can give it to them, get more engagement with your content, grow your following, and ultimately, get more clients.

You can do this with surveys or polls or by simply asking readers to reply to your email or add a comment to your blog post. You can use Google Forms, plugins provided by your web host or newsletter service provider or by WordPress.

You can ask simple yes or no questions, multiple-choice questions, or fill in the blank questions.

When they reply, you’ll learn more about what your audience wants in terms of your legal services, get ideas for future content, and grow your subscriber list as readers share your content with others.

And yes, you can do that without using additional software. Just ask readers to reply to your email or add a comment to your blog.

Even if only a few readers reply to your questions, everyone will read them and your replies or follow-up posts where you report the results of your poll (if you do that), all of which makes it more likely that your readers will respond to a future poll, or decide they need to contact you about their issue because your poll prompted them to do that.

Make sense?

If it does, reply to this post and tell me you’re going to ask your readers a question or two in your next post.

See, as easy as that.


When should you publish (and how often)?


What are the best days for you to publish blog posts or other content? Which days get the most “opens,” sign ups, forms filled out, clicks and engagement? 

Check your stats. 

You might find that Tuesday gets far more opens than other days of the week, in which case you should consider making Tuesday your publication day. 

But, there’s a problem. You typically need enough subscribers to see enough of a statistical variation to matter, and most lawyers don’t. 

If your list is relatively small, other factors besides the day(s) of the week can affect opens and other metrics. So which day(s) you publish might not be important.

How often you publish is another story. 

Publishing once a week will bring better results than publishing once a month. The more often you show up in their inbox, the more your subscribers will get to know you. If they like what you write, they will read most of your messages, look forward to them, and act on them. 

So, publish as often as possible.

Once a week is good. Depending on your market and practice area, two or three times a week, or even every weekday as I do, is (usually) better. 

It allows you to build a relationship with your readers, and that can make all the difference. It’s better to have 100 subscribers who like and trust you than 10,000 who aren’t sure who you are. 

Won’t you get more opt-outs if you publish more often? Probably. But you’re not writing a newsletter for everyone who happens to be on your list. You’re writing for the ones who love you and can’t get enough of you. 

The ones who read you because you teach them things they need or want to know. Because you inspire them, give them ideas, make them laugh, and otherwise lighten their burdens and make their life better.

You don’t have to write brilliant or lengthy articles or posts, or give away the store. You simply need to provide value and publish often enough to stay in your subscribers minds and hearts.

How to write an email newsletter that builds relationships


My 3 favorite sources of ideas for blog posts and articles


My goal is to write something people need to or want to read, aka “quality and value,” and do it quickly so I can get on with the day. 

If that works for you, consider using one of these 3 sources of ideas:

(1) Respond to questions (from readers, subscribers, clients, etc.) 

Don’t underestimate the value of simply answering questions about your area of expertise. You have plenty of information and relevant examples from your practice to write about, and if one person is asking about a subject, you know others want to know the same thing. 

Check your email, questions and comments posted on social, and you might have enough ideas to last for months.

(2) Write what other lawyers (bloggers, experts, etc.) are writing about. 

I get a lot of ideas this way. It’s easy to adapt a business consultant’s article about marketing or customer relations or productivity, for example, to something appropriate for my market (that means you). 

When you’re fresh out of ideas, these articles are a good place to refill your tank.

I might use some of their ideas and add my own, or none of their ideas except the basic concept that caught my attention. I’ll change the headline, add my own irreverent style, and have an article or post that is completely different from the original.  

(3) Write about something you saw, or that happened in your work or personal life. 

Yes, you should write about your latest case or one you heard about from a colleague. But don’t ignore your personal experiences, which can be a fertile source of material.

For example, you might take your kid to a doctor’s appointment and be asked to supply information you know they don’t need and shouldn’t ask. You could write about HIPAA, or use that experience as the lead to an article about how you go out of the way in your practice to protect your clients’ privacy and rights. 

Or, you might be out shopping and hear someone accuse someone of hate speech. In the US, you might use that to explain the meaning of free speech and the US Constitution.

Do you live in a city with potholes gone wild? You might write about what to do if your reader sustains property damage or bodily injury by driving over one.

Ideas are everywhere. If you pay attention, you will never run out. 

More ideas for content


How often should you email your newsletter list? 


More often than you think. Because you (probably) think that if you email “too often,” you’ll annoy them and they’ll unsubscribe. 

That’s true for some people. But not all. 

In fact, the people who need your help the most, and are arguably more likely to hire you, typically want to hear from you more often, not less. 

On the other hand, people who signed up to get your free report and aren’t really interested in your newsletter (or your services) might not like it if you email often and may leave. 

That’s okay. They weren’t a prospective client. Just a subscriber. And subscribers come and go. 

But things aren’t always black and white. 

Many subscribers are interested in your services, but aren’t ready to hire you and may not be for a very long time. You don’t want to push them away; you want them to stay on your list until they eventually hire you or refer you. 

But I wouldn’t worry about it. If you provide valuable and interesting information in your newsletter, things usually take care of themselves. 

So, choose the frequency that feels right to you. 

Consider your market (business or consumer) and the length and complexity of your newsletter. Does it require research or are you having a chat with the folks?

Most of all, consider how often you can comfortably publish so you can keep doing it. 

For most attorneys, a short email once a week is about right.

Email Marketing for Attorneys
