Is building a law practice a sprint or a marathon?


If marketing is everything we do to get and keep good clients (and it is), then you would assume that building a law practice is a marathon, and you would be right.

It’s all of the little things you do, over time, not big things you do once or twice.

It is your daily habit of sending thank you notes or birthday cards. It is the way you always see clients on time and never make them wait. It is writing a blog or newsletter and consistently delivering valuable information in an interesting way. Any one of these “little things” might not make a difference by itself, but over time, your daily habits compound. One day, you find your practice has doubled and you don’t really know how.

But building a law practice can also be a sprint.

Let me explain.

Let’s say you are looking at your calendar for the next 90 days and mapping out what you’re going to do to get your name and face in front of your target market. You plan to line up some speaking engagements, publish some articles, and go to lunch with centers of influence you have identified.

Every week, you book something. You have two speaking engagement each month, a new article coming out once a month, and every Friday, you’re having lunch with another prospective referral source.

This is good.

But there’s another way you could approach this. Instead of spreading everything out over 90 days, what if you did everything over the next two weeks?

You speak every day. You have lunch with someone every day. All of your articles appear this week.

You cram in as much activity as possible over a short period of time.

Why? Because now, your target market sees you “everywhere”. In a two week period, they hear you speak, see your article, and hear your name mentioned by two people they know and respect.

You get noticed. People talk about you. And remember you.

This is why advertisers spend $20,000 to run a bunch of ads this week, rather than $1000 a week for twenty weeks. And why they will run those ads on TV, radio, in print, and online at the same time, rather than TV this week, radio next week, and print the week after that.

Whether you’re spending time or money, concentrating your expenditure in a short period of time allows you to make a bigger impact on your market.

A marathon is you dripping on your target market. A sprint is you opening a fire hose. Never stop running the marathon, but consider getting in a few sprints along the way.

You can build a big practice if you know The Formula. Go here.


If you only had $100 a month for marketing, how would spend it?


If you only had $100 a month for marketing, what would you do? Would you spend it on advertising? Join a networking group? Improve your website?

Want to know what I’d do? I’d spend it on myself.

I’d buy books and courses and takes classes and learn everything I could about marketing. Because the best investment a professional can make is an investment in themselves.

And, when I was a young pup of an attorney, just starting out and clueless about marketing, that’s exactly what I did.

I scoured the shelves of libraries and checked out everything I could find on marketing and small business. I visited bookstores once or twice a week and never came home empty handed. I talked to more experienced attorneys and asked them what they did to bring in business.

Of course learning is only part of the equation. If you want to bring in business, you actually have to do something. And so I did that, too. I tried all sorts of things and found out that I wasn’t very good at most of them. But because I tried lots of things, I found some that I was good at and actually enjoyed.

And that’s when things took off.

I found out I was good at writing and getting referrals from my clients, and that’s what I focused on. If I was starting out today, I would be doing the very same things but I would add one more: I would learn everything I could about marketing on the Internet.

So, learn everything, try lots of things, find one or two you like and are good at, and keep doing them.

But never stop investing in your education. Learn about advertising, even if you never advertise. Learn about sales, even though you are not sales person. Learn about networking, even though you’re shy.

Because while you may not DO what you learn, you will USE what you learn, somewhere in your marketing.

Continue (or start) your marketing education with this.


Marketing your law practice one hour a week


If you only have one hour a week for marketing your law practice, I would spend that time on the phone. Here’s how I would break it down:

  • Twenty minutes speaking to clients and former clients. I would call new clients to say thank you (in addition to sending them a thank you card) and current and former clients to see how they are doing. These people put food on your table and are your best source of new business. Speaking to them “off the clock” is a highly leveraged marketing activity.
  • Twenty minutes speaking to referral sources. I would call other professionals I work with, thank them for their recent referrals, look for ways I can do something to help them, and brainstorm ways we can work together to our mutual benefit.
  • Twenty minutes reaching out to other professionals. I would call people I don’t know, to introduce myself, find out what they do, and see if there is a way we could can work together to our mutual benefit.

A law practice is a people business. We talk to people to strengthen our relationships and cultivate new ones. If you can’t meet people face to face, the phone is the next best thing.

In some ways, the phone is even better than face to face because there is no travel time. So, with only one hour a week, I would smile and dial.

Of course if I had two hours a week for marketing, I would use the second hour to have lunch or coffee with people I know and people I want to know.

This shows you how to set up marketing joint ventures with other professionals. 


How does a new attorney get clients?


Yes, how does a new attorney get clients? I remember when I was opening my practice this was something I desperately wanted to know. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find a good answer.

I was told that I should do the following:

  1. Send engraved announcements to everyone you know announcing your new practice
  2. Pass out business cards to everyone you meet
  3. Join groups where you can network and pass out cards to everyone you meet
  4. And, that was about it.

There was no Internet in those days. Yellow pages advertising was too expensive. Besides, I’d have to wait months for the book to come out and I needed business immediately.

I didn’t send out announcements, but I did tell everyone that I had opened my own practice. That brought in exactly zero business. I didn’t do any networking. I was 23 years old and looked it, and I didn’t think anyone would take me seriously. Hey, I didn’t take me seriously.

What I did do (on the phone and in classified ads in a bar journal) was contact other attorneys and let them know I was available for (a) appearances and (b) overflow work. And that actually worked. It gave me some breathing room until I could figure out how to get some clients of my own.

If you’re a new attorney today, opening your own practice, I suggest you do the same. It’s a great way to generate immediate income and get some hands on experience.

But the first thing you should do is set up a website.

Not a page in an online directory or a free website, but your own site. A domain name you own and a site that you host. You don’t need anything fancy. You don’t have to spend a lot of money. You can either do it yourself–if I can learn, you can learn–or pay someone $100 to set up the site for you. Monthly costs are less than $10.

Add lots of content to your site, to show people what you know and how you can help them. Educate people about the law and procedure. Show them what they need to know. Answer their questions, show them their options, and help them understand what to do.

Yes, you should also tell them about the services you offer. But fill your website primarily with information prospective clients want to know about their legal problems and the available solutions . Give them enough information and they will see that you can deliver those solutions.

Make sure your content has appropriate keywords so clients can find you via search. And make sure your site has social media sharing enabled so visitors to your site can share your content with their friends and contacts.

As you gain experience, update your site with additional content–articles, blog posts, reports, checklists–and stories of how you have helped your clients solve problems.

Start building a list. Not everyone who visits your site is ready to hire you. Capture their email address so you can stay in touch with them, notify them when you post new content, and remind them that you are still available to help them or people they know.

When you meet someone who might be a prospective client or referral source, send them to your website so they can learn about what you do.

What’s next? Well, that depends on you. You can continue to build your practice primarily online. You can join networking groups and do public speaking. You can create a free seminar or webinar and “allow” other professionals and centers of influence to invite their clients.

But here’s the thing. Your best source of new clients is referrals from existing and former clients. So, as soon as you have a few clients who are happy with your work, you should leverage those relationships to generate new business.

You can ask for referrals directly but you have another option: ask your clients to refer people to your website and the great content you have available.

How does a new attorney get clients? The same way an old attorney gets clients. Plus appearances and overflow.

The Attorney Marketing Formula. How attorneys get clients.


Pick two: Good. Cheap. Fast.


With any task or project, you have to consider the results you want, how long it will take to produce those results, and any costs. You almost always wind up with good outcomes with two of these three factors and not so good with the third.

You can vacation in Italy (good) this weekend (fast) but it won’t be cheap. You can lose weight quickly and cheaply by fasting for a week but it won’t be good (healthy).

If you have a document to prepare you can do it yourself (good, cheap), but if you’re busy, it probably won’t get done quickly. You can hire someone to do it and they might do a good job and do it quickly but it could be expensive. Or, you could hire someone that’s fast and cheap but not very good.

It’s all about choices. Good. Cheap. Fast. Pick two.

So, let’s see how this works with marketing professional services:

  • Blogging: Good, Cheap, (but not Fast)
  • Advertising: Good, Fast, (but not Cheap)
  • Networking: Good, Cheap, (but not Fast)
  • Speaking: Good, Cheap, (but not Fast)
  • Articles: Good, Cheap, (but not Fast)
  • Social media: Good, Cheap, (but not Fast)
  • Cold calling: Good, Cheap, Fast (but not a good idea)

Conclusions? Advertising can produce good results quickly so if you have more time than money and advertising is appropriate for your practice, you might include it in your marketing mix. Everything else is relatively inexpensive but good results usually take time.

Of course if you do it yourself (i.e., networking) you have to consider your time as an expense. It might not cost a lot of dollars, but if it takes up too much time relative to the results, it’s expensive.

Also, “good” is a relative term. You might get good clients from a given activity, but not a lot of them. Or, you might get a lot of clients but if they can’t or won’t pay what you charge, that’s probably not a good result.

It’s funny, the one thing lawyers don’t (can’t, won’t) do, cold calling, can actually produce good results quickly and cheaply. Fortunately, there’s something similar that you can do and it works even better: warm calling.

Call your clients and former clients and say hello. Fast, cheap, good results, almost guaranteed.

Marketing is everything you do to get and keep good clients. Click here for the formula.


Stop complaining. Attorney marketing is not that difficult.


Bitch, bitch, bitch. Enough already. You don’t know how good you have it.

I’m talking to the attorneys who whine about how hard it is to get clients but aren’t willing to do anything about it.

It’s not laziness. It’s ego. They’re too school for cool. They say marketing makes them uncomfortable.

You want more clients and you expect them to magically appear because you’re good at what you do?

Wake up and smell the empty bank account.

Being competent and working hard for your clients isn’t enough. Most attorneys are competent and work hard for their clients. If you want more clients to find you and hire you, you have to do more.

And it really isn’t difficult.

I’ll tell you what, I’m going to give you a list of things to do to bring in more clients. It’s a short list. Take a look and see what you think:

  1. You need to smother your clients with love and attention so they never even think about leaving and so they tell all their friends about your greatness.
  2. You need a web site with lots of high quality information, so people can find you through search and through sharing of your information, see proof of your capabilities, and sell themselves on hiring you.
  3. You need to stay in touch with the people who hired you before, reminding them that you are still available to help them and the people they know. And you need to stay in touch with people who don’t hire you right away so that when they are ready to hire an attorney, or they know someone who is, you are the one they call.

This isn’t hard, is it?

Love your clients. Educate prospects. Stay in touch with everyone.

Do these three things and you don’t have to do much else.

Now, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Is this something I CAN do?
  2. Is this something I have the TIME to do?
  3. Is this something I WANT to do?

I know you can do this. And it doesn’t take up that much time. The real question is, do you want to do this?

If you do, great! Let me know how I can help.

If you don’t, that’s okay, but please don’t complain. It makes me uncomfortable.

Marketing really isn’t difficult. Let me show you. Click here.


Improve law firm marketing with daily and weekly routines


My wife and I know a family who eats roast chicken for dinner every Monday night. Tuesdays, it’s meatloaf. On Wednesdays, you’ll find them chowing down on pasta.

Every day of the week has a specific dinner meal and they have been eating that way for years.

I always thought this would be boring. I like not knowing what’s for dinner. Variety is the spice of life.

And yet, I can see the logic behind it. Shopping is easier. You don’t have to learn any new recipes. Besides, don’t most people regularly eat the same five or ten basic meals for dinner? We just don’t eat them on the same day every week.

Anyway, while routine dinner planning may not be your cup of tea, when it comes to marketing legal services or managing your law office, a routine could be just what the doctor ordered.

“Did he just put three cliches in one post? He’s weird.”

Homage to one of my favorite comedians, Jim Gaffigan.

Hot Pockets.

Back to work.

What if you established a routine in your office where every Monday was “communication day”. That’s the day you send out emails to former clients, make calls to check in with your professional contacts, and write an article for your newsletter or blog.

Tuesdays might be networking day. You have lunch with a professional or a prospective client, and schedule lunch for the following Tuesday.

Wednesdays could be “clean up and organize day”. You clean out your email inbox, tidy up your desk, consolidate notes, and plan the rest of your week.

Thursdays, might be seminar day. You work on planning, writing, and promoting your latest seminar, teleconference, or video.

Fridays? Pizza day, of course. You bring in pizza for lunch, meet with your staff, and brainstorm marketing and management ideas.

You could set aside two hours every Thursday and make that “writing time”. Or 30 minutes every morning at 10 am as “calling time.” You call people you met at networking functions or you call former clients to say hello and update their contact information.

You get the idea.

With daily or weekly routines, you don’t have to think about what to do. You already know.

And because you know that next Wednesday is writing day, throughout the week, your subconscious mind will come up with ideas. On Wednesday, you’ll be ready.

Do you use routines in your practice? Please share in the comments.

Marketing is simple. Click here to find out what you’re missing.


What would you do if you knew you could not fail?


Rev. Robert Schuller asks, “What would you do if you knew you could not fail?” It’s one of my favorite quotes.

I’ve often asked myself this question. When I found my confidence lacking, when a project got stalled because I didn’t know what to do next, or when I was faced with a major career decision, I would stop and think about the “best case scenario” and it helped me move forward.

I think it’s because of the word “if”. “What would do if. . .” is a hypothetical question. We can answer it because we’re not promising anything, we’re speculating. The question allows us to bypass our critical mind and find the answers.

We may still have fears and doubts but now we know what we would do if we didn’t.

If you are procrastinating on updating your web site, imagine that in 90 days that web site is bringing you four or five or ten new clients a month. If God Himself whispered in your ear and told you that your web site will be massively successful, what would you do today?

You’d make a list of tasks that need to be done and you’d start working on them, wouldn’t you? If you don’t know what those tasks might be, your first task would be to find someone who does know and ask them what to do.

If you knew for certain that things would work out exactly the way you wanted (or better), what would you attempt? If you knew that your project would be a success, what would you do today to move it forward?

Whatever it is that you would do if you knew you could not fail, that’s what you should do.

“What if it doesn’t work?” you ask.

“What if it does?”

If you’re already earning as much as you want, you don’t need to read this


Void for vagueness: Does this describe your marketing plan?


Freeman Dyson, theoretical physicist, mathematician, and all around smart guy, once said, “It is better to be wrong than to be vague.” He was not referring to marketing, but I thought he might as well have been.

Some attorneys have a marketing plan that is filled with generalities. Their plan is too broad and long term. You’ve got rent due on the first, you’ve got to bring in a new client this week–whatcha gonna do?

Some attorneys have a plan, usually created by a high paid consultant who never practiced law, that is waaaay too complex and detailed. It usually winds up sitting in a file because nobody really understands it or wants to do it.

Of course, most attorneys don’t have any plan at all.

Here’s what I can tell you about marketing plans:

  1. You need one. Otherwise, you won’t know what to do next.
  2. It must be simple. You won’t do it if it’s not.
  3. It must be specific. What exactly are you going to do and when?

You may have a goal to “get six new clients in the next 60 days.” Pretty good goal. Now, how are you going to accomplish it?

Networking? Writing? Contacting former clients?

Too vague. Be more specific.

A good plan would be something where 60 days from now, if I ask you, “Did you do it?” you can answer yes or no.

A good plan would look something like this:

  1. Write one article of 300-500 words every week [every other week/every month] to post to my blog/web site/newsletter.
  2. Every week day, send three emails to clients/former clients saying, “I’m just checking in, hope you are well. . .”.
  3. Once a week, have lunch [coffee] with a new professional/executive/business owner from my networking group. Learn about their business or practice. Ask what kind of referrals they want. Send a thank you note. Schedule a follow up for 30 days.

Specific. Simple. Something you can do.

Will it work? I think so. Quite well, in fact. But. . . I could be wrong. But then it’s better to be wrong than to be vague.

If you want help in creating a marketing plan that really works, order The Attorney Marketing Formula.


Are you planning to make any changes this year? Before you do. . .


So this year I’m planning to make some changes. How about you?

I’m looking at things that didn’t work well and eliminating them or looking for ways to make them better. I’ll get more information, ask for help, or try things a different way.

But I’m not going to spend a lot of time on that. No sir. Instead, I’m going to look at the things that did work and do more of them.

You should, too.

For example, if last year you got a lot of referrals from a letter you sent to your clients, maybe you should think about sending them another letter. If you got a lot of sign-ups for your newsletter when you added a couple of videos to your web site, you should probably think about adding more videos. Or, if you met some good new referral sources on LinkedIn but none on Facebook, it sounds like LinkedIn is where you should spend your time.

Most people focus on fixing what’s wrong. They work on their weaknesses. The smarter, more leveraged strategy is to work on your strengths.

Don’t ignore your weaknesses. But don’t spend a lot of time on them.


Take a few minutes and write down three things that worked well in your practice last year. Then, look for ways to do them again or do them bigger or better or more often.

Find the spark in your practice and pour gasoline on it.

Have you read The Attorney Marketing Formula? Click here to find out what you’re missing
