So next month will be better than this month? You’re going to bring in new business or bigger cases and your income will increase?
How? What’s your plan? What will you do to make that happen? Because these things don’t just happen by themselves.
What will you do this month that will bring in more business or increase your income next month?
Be specific.
What emails or letters will you send? Who will you send them to? What will you ask or offer?
What will you do to build your list? Get more traffic? Get more website visitors to call?
How will you get more referrals from existing clients? Former clients? Prospective clients and other contacts?
What new markets will you target? What services will you offer? What will you say to convince them to trust you and hire you?
How will you get more referral sources? What is their background? Where will you find them? How will you approach them?
What articles or blog posts will you write? Who will you offer a guest post to? Who will you ask to do a guest post for you?
Where will you speak this month? What seminars, webinars, or teleconferences will you conduct? What videos will you post?
How will you increase your social media followers? Stimulate engagement? Provide more value?
How will you get more prospective clients to make an appointment? How will close them? Get them to hire you for bigger engagements?
What will you do to collect money that is owed you? How will modify your billing practices to get more clients to pay on time? What changes will you make to your fee structure?
Will you start advertising? Increase your ad buys? Hire a new copy writer?
What will you do to lower your overhead? What can you do about rent, salaries, or other fixed costs? How can you get better deals on variable expenses?
I’m all for being optimistic. But thinking next month will be better without having a plan to make it better is not the way to run a business. Go through the above questions and write down three things you will do this month. Then, start doing them.
Want some help?
Okay, for a simple marketing plan, get this.
For help with your website and online marketing, get this.
For help with writing and referrals, this is what you need.
And if your billing and collection practices need a shot in the arm, run, don’t walk and get this.