Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos says that if you want to build a successful, sustainable business, don’t ask yourself what could change in the next ten years that could affect your company. Ask what won’t change, and then put all your energy and effort into that.
Bezos knew that Amazon’s customers will always want low prices and quick delivery and he invested heavily in the infrastructure and systems that allow him to provide these. He sacrificed short term profits to build something great for the long term. “When you have something that you know is true, even over the long term, you can afford to put a lot of energy into it,” he said.
What should you invest in? What do your clients want today that they will still want ten years from now?
Well, more than anything, your clients buy “you”. So invest time and energy in becoming the best you can be. Invest in your skills, your knowledge, and your ability to communicate.
Work on your writing, speaking, and selling skills. Work on becoming a better manager and a better leader. Invest as much as 25% of your time in personal and professional development.
There are other things clients want from you, related to your specific practice area(s), services, and client types. Figure out what those are and invest in them, too. If you find that your clients really want services performed quickly, for example, focus your energy on finding ways to do that.
But mostly, focus on making the best you possible so you can attract the best clients possible.
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