Prospecting for gold in your law practice


When my daughter was in grade school I went with her on a field trip to Sacramento. One of the events on the agenda was panning for gold in a stream that once teamed with prospectors. They spent their days sifting through water, dirt, rocks, and sand. The more “non-gold” they got rid of, the more gold they found.

There’s a marketing lesson in this for lawyers.

If you want to find more “gold” (bigger cases, better clients), you need to get rid of as much non-gold as possible, as quickly as possible.

Why spend your time and resources courting clients who aren’t a good fit for you?

Other lawyers filter out cases and clients they don’t want after they talk to prospects. What if you filter them out before you talk to them?

When you create a profile of your ideal client, make a list of clients and cases that aren’t ideal. If you handle plaintiff’s personal injury cases, for example, your second list might include fender benders and soft tissue injuries.

Then, create a page on your website and describe the clients who aren’t a good fit for you.

You’ll stand out for being honest and transparent. You’ll build trust and create higher perceived value for being selective. You’ll attract better clients who see that unlike other lawyers, you don’t take anyone as a client.

Be honest about what you don’t want. You’ll get rid of more dirt and find more gold.

Need help figuring out who you do and don’t want as a client? Get this


Get bigger by thinking smaller


Seth Godin just said what I’ve been telling you for a long time: niche it.

Actually, he put it this way:

“When you seek to engage with everyone, you rarely delight anyone. And if you’re not the irreplaceable, essential, one-of-a-kind changemaker, you never get a chance to engage with the market.

The solution is simple but counterintuitive: Stake out the smallest market you can imagine. The smallest market that can sustain you, the smallest market you can adequately serve.”

In other words, target small niche markets and own them.

Godin says that when you focus on “the minimum viable audience,” your message is more powerful and more effective, and as your influence in that market grows, word of mouth about you will spread throughout the market and into others.

In other words, you get bigger by thinking smaller.

Godin says that this is how big companies and brands got that way. “By focusing on just a few and ignoring the non-believers, the uninvolved and the average.”

Focus on your ideal clients and the influencers in your chosen niche markets. Get to know them. Serve them. Let them see your dedication to their market.

Forget about the rest. Let other lawyers fight over the rest, while you get the lion’s share of the best.

Want help choosing your target market? Here you go


You’ve got to know when to hold ’em and when to fold ’em


If a professional poker player managed your law office, one of the first things he would do is talk to you about hand selection. He’d show you, mathematically, why you should play the hands where the odds are in your favor and, unless you’re planning to bluff, fold the rest.

Play the odds. You’ll win more hands and the hands you win will have bigger pots. The hands you lose won’t cost you as dearly.

In college, I played a lot of poker. Most people didn’t know what they were doing. They’d play just about every hand, often going “all in” merely because they could. By the time the game broke up, they almost always went home empty handed.

You don’t want to do that. You don’t want to waste time and money in your marketing. You want to maximize your wins, minimize your losses, and go home a winner.

Playing the odds starts by choosing the right clients to target. Instead of targeting “anyone” with a legal problem you can solve, as most lawyers do, let your competition fight it out for the bottom eighty or ninety percent of the market while you target (and win) the better clients at the top.

If networking is a mainstay of your marketing, instead of spending your time at generic meetings (e.g., chamber of commerce, local mixers, referral groups, etc.), where you meet professionals who can’t send you much business, or the right business, choose small organizations comprised of your ideal clients and the people who can refer them.

If you advertise, don’t bid on the same keywords as your competition hoping to outspend them. Bid on cheaper “long tail” keywords that target smaller niche markets.

If you rely on “one shot” marketing, hoping to turn first-time website visitors into clients, you’re leaving too much money on the table. It’s much more profitable to capture visitor emails and stay in touch with them and convert them over time.

To be successful in marketing, you don’t need to the best player. As long as you play the hands where the odds are in your favor, and avoid the hands that aren’t, you’ll do just fine.

Marketing is more effective when you know The Formula


Mom always said, “Don’t play ball in the house”


If your parents were like my parents they told you not to talk to strangers. This was meant to protect us, of course, but it stunted our ability to learn discernment, to think for ourselves about who we’re speaking with and whether or not they pose a threat.

It also kept us from broadening our experiences and trained us to keep to ourselves.

I propose you eschew mom’s advice. Not only should you talk to strangers, you should go out of your way to do it.

Talk to people you don’t know. Learn their story. Find out what they do. Tell them what you do and see what they say about lawyers and legal issues.

You’ll learn how people think about the world and about your community. You will sharpen your interpersonal skills and train your brain to be open to new experiences.

Talking to strangers will also provide you with fodder for your newsletter or next presentation. You’ll have stories to share with your family, your co-workers, and friends.

And who knows, you might meet someone who needs your services.

Lunch hour is a good time to meet strangers. Walk up to someone and ask a question or pay them a compliment.  Ask if they work nearby. Ask what they do.

This works anywhere. Even in places like NYC where eye contact can be seen as a mortal threat.

Practice the art of talking to strangers. Your life will be richer for it.

Your website can help turn strangers into clients


An imperfect plan implemented immediately


Of all the lawyers who read yesterday’s message about reaching out to other professionals to see if they are open to some kind of referral relationship, how many do you think actually did it? How many will?

My guess is that most are still thinking about it, weighing the pros and cons, trying to figure out the best way to go about it, and most will eventually do nothing.

And that’s sad because the only way to get results is by taking action. As General George Patton said, “An imperfect plan implemented immediately and violently will always succeed better than a perfect plan.”

Anyway, one lawyer wrote to tell me he went for it and reported his results.

He’s a sole practitioner and identified a lawyer in his field who manages a mid-sized firm in a nearby country. The firm does a lot of marketing and could be a big source of referrals for him.

He sent the managing partner information about a new law in his country which might be relevant to some of the firm’s clients. The partner wasn’t aware of the new law and appreciated him for bringing it to his attention.

The solo broached the subject of mutual referrals between the two firms. He offered to add a link to the firm’s website on his website and asked if they would do the same for his.

He also asked if the firm would be willing to provide a (brief) free consultation to people he refers to them.

The partner said they would gladly provide a free consultation. The firm has a lawyer they already work with in his country, however, so they can’t post the link to his site or send him referrals. But, he said, when they have a matter that is outside their lawyer’s area of expertise, they would be happy to send the referrals to him.

An imperfect plan? You tell me:

  1. The solo can now promote the firm’s free consultation to his current and former clients, adding value to his relationship with them.
  2. He can promote the free consultation to prospective clients in his country who might have interests in the nearby country.
  3. By posting a link to the larger firm (and saying something nice about them), he will identify as having a relationship with them, and thus augment his credibility and prestige.
  4. He has opened the door to future referrals from the firm.
  5. Emboldened by these results, he can approach other firms in the other country and work out similar arrangements.

Not bad for a couple of emails to someone he didn’t know.

How to get referrals from other lawyers


Put this in your pipe and smoke it


Suppose I am a notary who works near you. I call you and offer to provide my services to your clients for a few hours each week, at no cost to you or your clients.


You can promote this as an added benefit to your clients. You can put “free notary services” in your advertising and on your website and attract more prospective clients.

And it won’t cost you a dime.

I’m willing to do it because it lets me introduce my services to lots of new clients.

Do we have a deal?

Okay, you like the idea but you’re not getting calls from notaries offering this.

Well, you could ask someone in your office to take the class and become a notary, or you could do it yourself. That’s good, but how about thinking bigger?

How about picking up the phone and calling some notaries, to see if they like the idea of getting some free exposure. Why is this better than doing it yourself?

Because some of their notary clients will need legal services.

And there you are.

Many real estate agents are notaries, and open to a bit of creative marketing. Or you might partner up with a real estate attorney who has a notary in the office (assuming you don’t compete with them). Accountants, escrow officers, mortgage brokers, and banks also have notaries.

If free notary services doesn’t work for your practice, find something that does.

Make a list of the types of professionals and small businesses that target the same clients you target. Contact them and see if they have a free or discounted service you could offer to your clients. Or a free consultation. Or free information.

Then, see if you can do the same for their clients.

Are you picking up what I’m laying down?

More ways to work smarter


Are you a finicky lawyer?


I told you about a program I saw profiling a 20-year-old woman with a strange and dangerous addiction to sugar. She drinks 30 cans of cola a day and is on the fast track to a major illness.

The program is called “Finicky Eaters”. My wife found replays on YouTube. We’ve since seen episodes about a guy who has eaten nothing but cheeseburgers for the last 25 years (yep, three meals a day), the gal who eats nothing but french fries, and another about a man who likes to eat raw meat and little else.

As far as I’m concerned, this is more than finicky eating, it’s a sickness. Had these folks not received professional help, they would no doubt be looking at debilitating illness or death.

I was thinking about these poor souls on my walk this morning. It made me think about how many lawyers also have unhealthy habits with respect to their practices. Although usually not fatal, these habits prevent them from reaching their potential.

Many lawyers steadfastly refuse to delegate, for example. Doing all the work themselves can add stress and lead to burnout. It also limits their income. (I know, there’s a trade-off. If you’re not careful, delegating can lead to other problems. Note to self: delegate, but be careful.)

When it comes to marketing, many lawyers also have bad habits. They get set in their ways, refusing to try new strategies, or update old ones, and find themselves falling behind the competition.

How about you? Do you have any bad habits about how you manage your practice? Things you do that you shouldn’t, or things you should do but don’t?

Do you continue doing something a certain way because that’s how you’ve always done it, or because that’s how everyone else does it?

Do you stay in a bad partnership out of habit or fear that the alternative might be worse?

Do you continue paying for products or services you no longer need or could replace with lower-cost or better alternatives?

Start a new habit today of regularly examining what you do and how you do it. Pay attention to your habits, routines, and go-to strategies and consider what you might change or improve.

If you decide that you’re doing fine and no changes are necessary, I have one last suggestion for you: get someone else to take a look. Ask a friend, or hire a professional, to examine your ways and tell you what they see.

Because most of those finicky eaters didn’t realize they had a problem until someone else pointed it out to them.

Are you getting all of the referrals you want? 


Stop chasing clients and make them chase you


An immigration lawyer agrees with the concept of offering more value to prospective clients but is frustrated. He says, “more than 90% of the people out there want free information and advice.”

He sent me some correspondence he’s had with a prospective client. “I’ve been following up with him for more than a month,” he says.

In a nutshell:

The wealthy would-be client wants to know if he has a case. The lawyer explains why he needs to interview him to answer that question and asks a modest fee. He spends a good deal of time explaining everything, making the case for the interview, describing all the work that goes into it, and laying out his qualifications.

The client doesn’t see the value/doesn’t want to pay.

What’s wrong with this picture? What’s wrong is that the lawyer is trying too hard. It makes him look like he is chasing the client.

A lawyer shouldn’t have to personally make the case for the client taking the next step. The lawyer shouldn’t have to personally “sell” the client on his ability to do the job. The lawyer should let his website (reports, brochures, recordings, articles, etc.) do (most of) the selling for him.

By the time you correspond with a prospective client, they should be nearly ready to hire you. They may have a few questions, and that’s fine, but if those questions are answered on the website, the lawyer (or better, an assistant, so the lawyer can maintain posture) should point the client at the documents that address those questions.

The website should have a sales page for the consultation. It should explain why it is necessary, describe (in detail) what you will do, and enumerate the benefits.

What will the client learn? What will they get? How will they better off?

Spell out what they get, e.g., a summary of the law, an analysis of the facts, instructions for improving their odds of success, advice and recommendations, clarity, peace of mind, etc.

Consider hiring a professional to write this for you.

Consider offering 100% credit for the consultation fee if they go ahead and hire you to do the work.

If your consultation delivers a lot of value to the client, and the sales letter does a good job of selling it, you should charge more than a modest fee. Weed out the cheapskates and freebie seekers and create a higher perceived value and demand for your services.

And, no matter how much you charge, if they don’t see the value and they’re not willing to pay, wish them well and move on.

Don’t chase.

It may seem that most people want everything free but if that were literally true, there would be no immigration attorneys making a living and that’s obviously not the case.

What do the best ones do? They charge top dollar, and get it, all day every day, from people who sell themselves on hiring them. By being the pursued, not the pursuer.

Be generous with free information but charge dearly for your time and advice. Make it easy for clients to sell themselves on hiring the best and paying top dollar for the privilege.

How to make your website sell


In the midnight hour she cried, more, more, more


The secret to success isn’t really a secret. You already know it. You know that the key to building a successful business, career, marriage, or life lies is giving people more than they expect.

More than they want, more than they need, more than they deserve.

Even more than they paid for. When a client pays you $1000, give them $1100 of value.

If you can’t do more, do it better. Faster. Or cheaper. When the client expects the work to be done in two weeks, do it in one. When they expect to pay $5000, send them a bill for $4500.

Give your referral sources more referrals and more introductions. If you pay referral fees, give them a bigger percentage. Give your prospects and subscribers more information and more attention.

When you give people more than they expect, you earn their appreciation, their (repeat) business, and their referrals.

No, not everyone will reciprocate. Some will hire you, some won’t. Some will send you lots of referrals, some won’t send you any. Some will promote your events, share your content, and give you positive reviews, some won’t lift a finger.

That’s okay. Because giving more isn’t about quid pro quo. It’s about establishing a mindset of abundance and a reputation for generosity. It’s about invoking the Law of Attraction.

When you give everyone more, you will get more. You just won’t know when or from whom.

You don’t have to go crazy and give away the store. Value comes in many different colors. Write and call a little more often. Be a little nicer or a little more accessible. Serve a better brew of coffee in the office (and use real half-and-half, not that powdered stuff, k?).

Continually ask yourself, how can I do more in this situation? How can I exceed expectations?

When giving more becomes your default, you will find yourself getting more.

One way to exceed expectations is to manage expectations. This shows you how


Use ‘before and after’ photos to sell more legal services


In our community, mailboxes are uniformly displayed on wooden posts, four boxes to a post. After nearly twenty-five years, our post was looking shabby. My neighbors and I chipped in and hired a guy to repair and paint the post and replace the mailboxes.

He did a great job and we’ve recommended him to some of our other neighbors.

On a recent walk through the neighborhood, I saw some mailboxes that could use his services and I thought about what he might do to get more work. One thing he could do is create a flyer with before and after photos of his work. Those photos tell most of the story. “If your mailbox looks like this [before] and you want it to look like this [after], give me a call.”

How can you use this idea to sell more legal services?

No, not by taking photos of your clients. By using word pictures to describe their situation before and after they hired you.

On your website and in your marketing materials, describe how some clients “looked” when they first came to you, and how they looked at the end of the case or matter.

If you handle divorce, for example, you would describe your client’s marriage situation in sufficient detail to let prospective clients “see” it. Include the facts, the legal issues, the emotional turmoil, and what was at stake.

Follow that with a word picture of the client’s situation after you worked your magic.

It’s storytelling, pure and simple, something you should be doing in most of your writing but especially in your marketing documents.

Facts tell but stories sell.

The best stories are dramatic, of course, but with a little effort, you can inject some drama into even the most mundane or routine legal matters.

Give it a try. Think about a recent client and describe their before picture. What did they want or need and why? What was at stake? What did they fear? What might have happened if they didn’t hire you?

Then, describe the after picture. Resolution. Protection. Compensation. Peace of mind.

Before and after. Photos or word pictures. It’s the same formula. It works for marketing mailbox repairs and legal services.

Marketing is easier when you know The Formula
