According to a financial advisor who posted an answer to this question, the best time to ask for referrals is at the time you deliver the work-product (document, settlement check, etc.) or other benefits.
I agree. This is the best time.
The client is feeling good about you and their decision to hire you. They’ve seen tangible evidence of your ability to deliver results. They may be thinking about people they know who could benefit from your services.
But while this is the best time, you can also ask at other times.
Of course, it depends on what we mean by “asking”.
You can “ask” by handing the client a letter or brochure that describes your “ideal client” (how to spot them, how to refer them) at any time.
Your “new client welcome kit” should include such a document.
You can “ask” in your newsletter. After sharing a client success story, you could include a call to action to download your aforesaid document or read it on your website.
When a client is in the office for any reason, you could hand them a few of your business cards and casually say, “in case you know someone who needs an attorney. Tell them to mention your name.”
You can (and should) also talk to prospective clients about referrals. After a free consultation, for example. You can also ask in your declination letter.
There are different ways to “ask” for referrals. Pick something and use it.
The more you do, the more referrals you’ll get.
Here’s how to get maximum referrals