Last night, I hosted a one hour conference call for one of my businesses. There were six speakers, each of whom spoke for a few minutes. My job was to introduce them, let them share their story, and ask a few follow-up questions.
We got good feedback on the call. People liked the stories and the information. Told me I did a great job. Hey, I just asked questions. Someone else lined up the guests.
Anyway, if you’re looking for an easy way to get some fresh content for your blog or newsletter, here’s what to do:
- Contact one of your referral sources (or a professional you would like as a referral source) and ask if you could interview them for your blog or newsletter.
- Jot down five to ten questions, things you think your readers would want to know about the expert’s area of expertise.
- Interview them on the phone, in person, or via email. Post the audio or a transcription on your blog or newsletter.
Your readers get valuable information from a subject matter expert. You get content for your blog or newsletter. The expert gets exposure to your list.
What’s next? The expert interviews you for their blog or newsletter, of course.
Marketing is easy when you know The Formula.
Eight ways to use audio recording apps for marketing
I was reading some of the reviews for Dictamus, the dictation app I use on my iphone. Many lawyers and physicians extol its virtues, saying things like, “best on the market, ” “replaced my 0 dictation equipment,”and “I use it every single day.”
I don’t dictate to a secretary these days, but I do dictate to myself. My phone is always with me so it’s very convenient to capture notes or ideas on the fly. I also dictate entire articles, letters, and other longer documents, using Dictamus’ “insert” function to insert new thoughts into the middle of already recorded sentences. Yep, just like  the old cassette and belt dictation machines I used to use.
Anyway, I started thinking about how audio recording apps (any app will do) can be used for marketing. In addition to the obvious use of recording ideas for articles, people to call, things to do, and dictating complete articles, emails, and letters, here’s what I came up with:
Do use audio recording apps (or digital recorders) for marketing in your practice? What do you do? Which apps do you use? Please add to the comments.
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