If you could only have one client, who would it be?
Write down their name. Picture them in your mind’s eye.
Now, why would you choose them?
Do they give you lots of work and pay you lots of money? Do they regularly give you referrals? Do you like them and enjoy working with them?
Write down all of the reasons you would choose this client and like to have more like them.
Next, write down everything you know about them. Go through your files, visit their website and social media profiles, think about everything they’ve told you about their job or their business and their personal life.
What are their goals? What are their problems? What do they do best?
Where did they go to school? What does their spouse do for a living? What sports do their kids play?
What do they read? What kind of car do they drive? What’s the favorite restaurant?
Why do this? Because this is your best client and you should learn everything you can about them. You should study them, so you can get closer to them, help them, and find more like them.
We attract what we think about so think about your ideal client. Spend time with them. Appreciate them. Remember their birthdays and anniversaries.
Next, think about your second best client and go through the same exercise. Keep going until you have a short list of five or ten best clients you’d like to clone.
Your ideal clients will lead you to other clients, many of whom will be very much like they are. Birds of a feather, and all that.
Next on the list: do the same thing for your best referral source. If you could only have one. . .
Need help identifying your ideal client? Here you go