Why some attorneys earn more than you do


With my CLE compliance deadline approaching (I finshed, thanks for asking), I’m being inundated with emails offering all manor of courses. I noticed that some companies charge much more than others. In fact, prices are all over the place. I could get all 25 credits for $299 or for $60. Are one company’s courses five times better than another’s? Probably not.

So why would attorneys pay more for something they could easily get for less?

Because some companies are well known to them and have good reputations. Lawyers will order from a familiar company because it’s safe. They don’t need to check them out. Click, order, done. They may realize they are paying more but the convenience and peace of mind are worth it.

I’m sure some attorneys equate a higher price with higher quality. They assume that by paying more they’re getting better courses. Or conversely, that if they pay a low price they will get inferior quality.

Other attorneys simply don’t want to take the time to shop around. They’re busy.

Still others never considered looking at anything else. They simply order from the company they ordered from the last time. They are a satisfied customer. When they get an email from “their company,” they just order.

Make sense?

Well guess what? The same things are true for buying legal services. People will pay more to hire an attorney who is well known to them or who comes through a referral. They will pay more to attorneys who make it easy and convenient to hire them. They will pay more because they believe they are getting more value than they would get from a “cheaper” attorney.

Yes, some clients shop price. You don’t want them. You want the low-hanging fruit, the clients who are willing to pay more for intangibles that are important to them.

And that’s why some attorneys earn more than you do for the same services.

Want to get paid more? Get the Check: Stress-Free Legal Billing and Collection shows you how.


Get more referrals with client appreciation dinners


Client appreciation dinners are a great way to recognize your best clients and thank them for their loyalty. Basically, you invite them to a free dinner where you present awards and gifts, introduce them to other clients in their niche, and enjoy a good meal.

You might have guest speakers, who may be willing to co-sponsor the event. You might invite your clients to bring guests. Or you can keep the evening information-free and pitch-free and just have a good time.

A Facebook friend of mine, a Realtor, mentioned his firm’s upcoming “Top Referring Client Appreciation Dinner.” I thought that was a smart variation on the idea because his clients have to do something to get invited to the dinner.

There’s a little bit of competition involved. Clients hear about the event and want to come. After the dinner, they see photos on your website and do their best to get invited the following year. Those who do attend will work hard to make the guest list again the following year. They’ll also talk about the dinner to their friends and colleagues.

Of course it also allows the host to promote the subject of referrals to all of their clients indirectly, by simply talking about the dinner.


When you recognize good behavior (referrals), you reinforce that behavior and it tends to be repeated. When you recognize that behavior publicly (dinners), many of those who didn’t get recognized (invited) will change their behavior so they can be included the next time.

The bottom line is that you get more referrals, not just from those who make the grade as “top referrers” but from everyone. Your top referrer may send you ten clients, but you may have 100 clients who send you one or two.

If you can’t or don’t want to do a client appreciation dinner (criminal defense lawyers, I’m talking to you), how about a dinner for professionals? Invite your best referral sources and recognize them for their efforts. You can do this even if you do sponsor a client dinner.

If a client or referral source appreciation dinner isn’t in your budget right now, consider a breakfast or luncheon. Or, invite your best referring client or referral source out to dinner, just the two of you, to say thank you for their support throughout the year. Next year, you can invite a few more.

Want another way to get more referrals without asking for referrals? Here it is.


What if you never met anyone new?


Did you hear about the imaginary new law? It says that one year from today, lawyers will no longer be allowed to meet new people. No networking, no advertising, no social media, no speaking or writing or anything else. Whoever you know one year from today is it.

Disastrous? One more law that needs to be overturned?

Not really. The law doesn’t say you can’t get referrals. The people you know can still send business and introduce you to people they know.

The law simply says that you can’t, on your own, meet anyone new.

(Are you still with me on this imaginary sojourn? I hope so. I do have a point.)

Now, knowing that this law will take effect in exactly one year, what would you?

Would you meet some new people as quickly as possible? You probably would.

Would you do everything you could to meet more well connected, influential people in your target market? Yeah, that would make sense.

Would you also work hard to strengthen your existing relationships? I’m thinking that’s a yes.

If one year from today you could not, on your own, meet anyone knew, I think it’s safe to assume you would have a sense of urgency about improving and growing your existing network of contacts. The question is, at some point, would you have enough?

Would you know enough people to sustain your practice ad infinitem? Could you survive and thrive solely on their repeat business, referrals, and introductions?


No matter what kind of practice you have, if enough people know, like, and trust you, and you treat them right and stay in touch with them, your financial future should be golden.

And hey, enough doesn’t mean thousands. 50 or 100 people will probably do the trick for most lawyers, assuming those people aren’t hermits. In fact, five or ten good referral sources can keep you very busy. Remember, you will also get referrals from the new clients they send you and referrals from those clients, too.

It’s not about who you know. It’s about who they know.

Anyway, even though you may already have enough people in your existing network, you probably should go find some new contacts before the new law goes into effect. I know, it’s imaginary, but if you pretend that it’s not, in a year, you’ll be a very happy lawyer.

Want more referrals? Try this.


Creating an operations manual for your law practice


Early in my career I rented space from an attorney who had a very lucrative high volume personal injury practice.

He had half a dozen employees, including one attorney, and everything ran very smoothly. The office was busy but quiet. Everything was orderly. They never seemed to miss deadlines or suffer a major crisis.

One reason why the office was so successful was that the attorney had prepared an operations manual. Every aspect of the practice was documented. Every employee knew what they were supposed to do.

He created the manual, I was told, so that if someone quit or went on maternity leave or got sick, the new hire or temp would be able to quickly get up to speed.

The manual explained how to open a new file, how to close a file, and everything in between. There were forms and checklists for every stage of the case, and fill-in-the-blank form letters, too. The calendaring procedure was spelled out in detail.

As a result, nothing fell through the cracks. The cases got worked and settled or tried. Things moved quickly. Mistakes were rare.

I never saw the actual manual but hearing about it inspired me to create my own. I started by making extra copies of every letter I wrote and putting them in a separate file. I created checklists for repetitive tasks. I asked other attorneys I knew for copies of their forms and form letters and re-wrote them to suit my style and work flow.

I was also able to build a sizable practice with a relatively small staff, in part, because of my manual.

One of the benefits of going through this process is that it forces you to think about everything you do, allowing you to find ways to do them better. You find holes in your procedures, places where mistakes can happen, and you can patch them. You find wasteful tasks and can eliminate them. You see opportunities for doing things faster.

You also find ways to improve client relations. For example, you may discover gaps in communicating progress to clients about their case, or find ways to make their experience less stressful. Repeat business and referrals will increase because you always send welcome letters and thank you letters and remember clients’ birthdays.

The bottom line is that creating an operations manual for your law practice will save time, save money, help you avoid errors (and malpractice claims), and make your practice run more smoothly and more profitably.

If you don’t have an operations manual for your practice, I encourage you to start one. If you have staff, enlist their aid. If you do have a manual, make a note to review it periodically, so you can update it with changes in the law, new forms, and new ideas.

You’ll thank me later.

For more on creating an operations manual, see The Attorney Marketing Formula


When was the last time a client made you cry?


You say you care about your clients but is this really true?

Do you comfort them when they are afraid? Do you offer a shoulder to cry on when they are in pain? Do you offer them hope for a better future when they despair?

Many lawyers go through the motions with their clients, saying things that need to be said but not really meaning it. I know, you can’t do a good job for your clients if you fall apart emotionally. But I also know you can’t do a good job for your clients if you don’t feel anything.

Being a lawyer is about getting results, but even more, it’s about making people feel that you will do everything you can to help them, not because they paid you to do so but because you truly care about them.

You can’t fake it. Leadership author John C. Maxwell said, “People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude.”


Word of mouth referrals


I saw a movie last weekend about an ethnic restaurant on the brink of bankruptcy. The manager met a quirky man, driving a taxi, who claimed to have been a great chef in the old country. Desperate to turn things around, he hired the man and crossed his fingers.

Turns out the chef really was good and business started to pick up.

One customer, an older woman, told the manager she loved the food and would tell everyone about the restaurant. Her husband added, “. . .and she knows everyone”.

Apparently, the woman did know everyone because the restaurant suddenly got very busy. When a food critic gave the place a glowing review, there were lines around the block, two hours before the place opened.

The woman was a connector. She was influential. And because she knew a lot of other influential people, if she thought you were good, the world would quickly hear about it.

What if you had a client like that, a connector who really loved what you did for them? Before you knew it, word of mouth referrals would bring you a waiting room full of new clients.

The thing is, people don’t wear a sign to identify themselves as a connector. It could be anyone. It could be that unassuming older lady sitting in your waiting room right now. If she likes you, your practice is made.

Okay, you may never have a client like that. Or, you may have someone next week. So you do a great job for everyone, because you never know who they are.

Yes, I know you would do that anyway. Because it’s the right thing to do and because it’s who you are. You don’t treat big shots any differently than regular folks.

Here’s the thing. Regular folks can also bring you a lot of business. They may not be connectors who can tell the world about you, but they can refer you a new client, and that client can do the same.

I often took small, unprofitable cases. I didn’t make any money on those cases but my business model was based on serving clients, it was not based on the viability of any one case. I helped my clients with small cases and they came back with big ones.

In a sense, every client is a connector. You may never get a five star review, there may never be a two hour line to get into your waiting room, but treat everyone right and you will have a never ending supply of new business.

Get more clients. Get The Attorney Marketing Formula.


How often should I write to my clients and prospects?


When it comes to writing clients and prospects, many lawyers are worried about writing too often. Instead, they should be worried about not writing often enough.

You need to stay in touch with people on your lists, to remind them that you are still around, and still available to solve legal problems. They need to continually see your name and think nice thoughts about you, so that when they have a legal problem, or know someone who does, you’ll be “in their minds and in their mailboxes”.

The more often you write, the more business you’ll get.

Is there such a thing as too much or too often?

Sure. If you write boring, self-serving crappola, once is too much.

On the other hand, if you send interesting, helpful information that your clients and prospects want to read, you almost can’t write too often.

Let’s not make this more complicated than it needs to be. Make a vow to send high quality information, interesting stories, and valuable resources to the people on your list. Then, pick a schedule and stick to it.

Write often. It doesn’t have to be long. A few paragraphs is enough if that’s all you have to say. Link to an article or video you thought they would like to see and tell them why. Tell them about a change in the law that might affect them. Give them a few tips.

Instead of a monthly newsletter with several articles, send one article once a week. That gives you four opportunities to connect, and shorter articles probably have a better chance of being read instead of set aside “for later” and never opened.

Actually, it really doesn’t matter if they read what you write. What’s important is that they see your name. Better once a week than once in awhile.

If you want hundreds of ideas for articles, blogs posts, and emails, get this.


What are you NOT telling your clients?


There are no little things in marketing or client relations. Everything is important.

I just spoke to someone who went to his dentist expecting to pay $80 for a cleaning but when he went to pay the bill, he had to fork over $128. It seems that when he called to inquire about the cost of the cleaning (he’s on a budget and wanted to make sure he had enough in his account), he was told it would be $80. He was NOT told that there would be an additional charge for the exam.

It is a lot of money (to him). It is a big deal (to him). When he called to ask “how much,” the dentist should have made sure he was told what the total charge would be.

A professional (or any business) cannot be sloppy about details, especially when it comes to money. People notice. Any trust they had for you before will be in jeopardy.

“What else aren’t they telling me?”

Never assume your clients know anything. If you’ve told them the fees and costs, tell them again. If there might be extras, make sure they know and get their okay before you go ahead.

I’m not suggesting you get all paranoid and lawyer-like, (wait, that’s redundant) and get their initials on everything, in triplicate. Just be aware. And sensitive.

Your client is your mother, and trust me, you don’t want to mess with Mom.

Marketing is everything we do to get and keep good clients. Everything. 


Fracking your law practice


You’ve waited long enough. It’s time to finally open the floodgates of untapped resources that lie beneath your feet. New clients, better clients, and an abundant and fulfilling lifestyle await you. All you need to do is go get them.

Every law practice has natural resources that aren’t being accessed. What are these resources?

Your client list that could easily bring a steady stream of repeat business and referrals but is all but ignored in favor of expensive and time consuming efforts to find new clients.

Your knowledge and experience that could be packaged and presented in a way that makes you stand out from the crowd and be seen as the best lawyer for the job but instead, is shackled by the chains of conformity.

The passion that drove you to choose a legal career but has been dulled by low margins and mindless work could be rekindled with new ideas, if only you would slow down long enough to learn them, and loosen up enough to try them.

These and other resources, if allowed to surface, could transform you from struggle to success, from success to untold wealth. All you have to do is embrace these resources, develop them, and allow them to deliver their bounty.

Why aren’t you developing these resources? Adherence to tradition. Not wanting to admit there is a problem. Fear of what others will think or what might happen if something goes wrong.

Yes, there are dangers. If you start a blog it might take up too much time. But what if it doesn’t? What if it takes up much less time than you thought? And what if it brings you lots of prospective clients who see why they should hire you instead of anyone else, and do?

If you get started with social media, your unhappy clients and crazy clients may smack talk you and harm your reputation. But what if they are few and far between and your happy clients set the record straight and build up your reputation and increase your following?

If you stay in touch with your clients and former clients, you might waste time that could be spent getting work done. But what if staying in touch brings you so much work you can afford to hire staff to do most of it and you can get home before the kids are in bed?

There are dangers to doing things you’ve never done before. You might be embarrassed. There may be costs. Things could go wrong. But the greater danger is that you will never discover what was possible, never realize your potential, and never have the time or financial resources to make the world a better place.

If you’re ready to tap into your natural resources, this and this will show you what to do.


My clients are driving me crazy


I got an email from an attorney who said, “my clients are driving me crazy”. Apparently, many of his clients don’t appreciate him. They are rude and think they know better and he is finding it difficult to maintain his composure.

What do you do in a situation like that?

The first thing I would suggest is to take a look at yourself. Why? Because your law practice is a reflection of you–your attitudes and habits. If you have a preponderance of clients who don’t appreciate you, that may be because you don’t appreciate them.

We don’t attract the clients we want, we attract the clients we deserve.

Do you appreciate your clients? More importantly, do they know it? Do you show them by your words and deeds that you care about them and will do whatever you can to help them? In what ways do you show them? How often do you show them? Is it sincere or is it something you do because you think you have to?

You can’t fake this. People know.

But you may not know. You may not be able to see yourself clearly. So, ask your staff what they think. Ask other professionals who know you. And ask your clients. Send them a survey they can respond to anonymously and leave room for their suggestions.

The other thing I suggest is that you focus on the clients who do appreciate you so you can attract more like them.

What’s different about them? What services do they hire you to perform? How did they find you? (Clients who come from referrals are often better than clients who come through the Internet or advertising).

Are they at the high end of the fee spectrum or the low end? Are they first time clients or repeat clients? What is their background or occupation? Age? Income level?

Survey them as well and see what they like best about you.

Look for patterns and create a profile of these better clients. Then, work on attracting more like them by focusing your time, energy, and resources marketing to people who fit that profile. Start with your existing and former clients who fit that profile. They will lead you to people like themselves.

And, as soon as possible, start pruning your client garden. Get rid of the clients who don’t appreciate you, first, before you have found clients to replace them. Scary? Yes. But you will feel great getting rid of all that negative energy and soon, the void you create will be filled with the clients you want and deserve.

This shows you how create a profile of your ideal client.
