I spoke to an estate planning lawyer the other day. He’s getting ready to do another mailing to his client list to encourage them to make an appointment to review and update their estate plans, due to a change in the law. It seems many people are either unaware of the new law or believe it doesn’t apply to them.
We spoke about the content of the letter, including whether or not to extend a special offer or incentive to get more people booking appointments.
I am sure he will get more work out of this, but not nearly as much as he could.
One letter (or email) isn’t enough. Selling your services to prospects or clients is a process, executed through a series of communications. Even if the letter he sends is brilliant and makes the phone ring, a second letter would bring even more.
Some people won’t read the first letter. Some will mean to call, but forget. Some will need time to take care of other business. Some won’t have the money today, or not want to spend it today, but that will change over time.
Never rely on a “one off”. If you do, you’re leaving much dinero on the table.
Your letters and emails, your newsletters, and everything else that comes out of your office, should be part of a sequence of communications, designed to educate and stimulate response.
But don’t stop with the written word. Or other static ways to educate and motivate your list (e.g., videos, seminars, speaking engagements, etc.)
I told this lawyer that if he wants to book more appointments, there’s something else he needs to do.
Call the clients.
You are their lawyer. They need to have this work done. You’ll book more appointments and get more legal work if you talk to them.
Actually, have someone else in the office call on your behalf: “Mr. Twinkletoes wanted me to call you to make sure you received his report about the recent changes in the tax law and to see if you have any questions. He knows you’ll want to take care of this immediately, so we’re booking appointments right now for the week of the 5th. I have an opening on. . .”.
You’ll get waaay more appointments if you call.
What’s that? You don’t do estate planning? Your practice area doesn’t have a lot (or any) repeat business?
No problem. Here’s a couple of things you can do.
- Team up with an estate planning lawyer and promote his or her services to your client list. That lawyer can then promote your services to his or her list.
- Call you clients and tell them you have a special offer or promotion going right now and you want to let them know so their contacts can take advantage of it. Referrals, baby.
Your list is incredibly valuable. Repeat business, updates, and referrals await you. Call and get some.