Nothing to write about? 


You promised yourself you would write an article or blog post or newsletter, record a video, or prepare a talk for your networking group, but you don’t know what to write about.

Don’t panic. And don’t force it. Skip the day and try again tomorrow. 

Tomorrow, you might

  • Republish something you wrote a year or two ago; yes, you can do that. Most of your readers won’t remember (or care). And you have new subscribers or audience who haven’t heard that story before.
  • Cut up that old 1200-word article and publish one of your points, perhaps 300 words, and call it a day.
  • Rewrite that older piece. Update the law, use different examples or arguments, add a new story, change the headline, and you’re good to go. 

Great. Immediate problem solved. For the future, here are some options:

  • Consider allowing (or soliciting) guest posts from other lawyers or experts. Or asking a colleague to co-author an article with you.
  • Ask your readers to submit questions they would like you to answer.  
  • Collect articles by other lawyers and experts that might interest your readers and use those articles to spark ideas for your next post. I do that all the time; can you tell?
  • Set up an idea file. Anything you think about, wonder about, hear about… throw it in this file and dig through that file when you’re looking for ideas. 
  • Document your days: jot down a few lines about interesting or difficult clients or cases, opposing counsel, problems you solved, or people you meet, because it’s all fodder for your next post. 

You can write about anything. And you should because it will make things a lot easier for you and more interesting for your readers.


How about a heaping helping of added value?


You do a good job for your clients. They’re happy with the results you get for them and like you. But simply doing a good job for your clients doesn’t guarantee they will hire you again or refer other clients. 

If you want that to happen, give them more than they’re paying you for. 

Give them added value—additional benefits they don’t expect and haven’t paid for. 

Here are 3 options: 

(1) INFORMATION. Reports, newsletters, blogs, seminars, articles, videos, and other educational material that add value to their life or business. For consumer clients, you could provide information about debt, credit, investing, taxes, and insurance. For business clients, you could share information about subjects related to their industry or market. 

(2) SUPPORT. Promote their industry or community events, their causes (and donate to them), and recommend their products or services. 

(3) CONNECTION. Introduce clients to other clients who might benefit from knowing them. Refer clients to other professionals who can advise or otherwise help them.

You can do these things on your own, outsource it, or join forces with other professionals and subject experts. 

Other lawyers tend not to do these things. When you do them, this added value can strengthen your relationships and help you stand out in your target market. 


Advertising? You already do it.


Every lawyer advertises. Including you. 

You might not run display ads, PPC ads, or send out a mailer. You might not conduct seminars, record videos, or publish a blog or newsletter. 

Nevertheless, you advertise. 

You advertise when you write articles or speak to a group. You advertise when you post information about your services on social media, in a directory, or on your website. You advertise when you give your business card to someone you meet or give an extra business card to a new client or acquaintance so they will have an extra to give to someone else.

You advertise when you list your services in the footer of your emails. 

You advertise when you call or email an old client or contact to say hello and get caught up.

It’s all advertising. Telling people (or reminding them) about what you do and how you can help them or someone they know.

If you do it well, someone who needs your help will know how to get it.

Your advertising might be as complex as a full presentation about your services, legal analysis, legislative analysis, a description of how you are better or different from other firms in your area, complete with testimonials and a client list. It might be a fancy brochure or website or two. It might be as lavish as a catered luncheon with guest speakers and nice souvenirs to take home.

Or it might be as simple as a line or two about your practice areas and services casually mentioned to someone you meet for the first time.

It’s all advertising. If you do it well, someone who needs your help will know it is available and how they can get it.  


Sell me your services


You’ve probably seen videos demonstrating the value of sales skills by asking a volunteer to “Sell Me This Pen”. The idea is, if they can sell something as unexciting as a pen, they can sell anything. Sometimes with a single 30 or 60 second commercial. 

In fact, it’s even possible to do that selling legal services. 

Even though buying legal services is more complicated than buying a pen, the principle is the same. Tell prospective clients how you can help them solve their problem or achieve their goal, tell them how they will be better off, invite them to get more information, and you’ll have a powerful, persuasive sales tools that can bring your more business. 

It’s easier than you think. 

Your “commercial” doesn’t have to present a full-throated presentation complete with closing argument or address all possible objections. Don’t tell them “everything”. Succinctly tell them the key benefits you offer, invite them to ask questions or get more information, and you should get more clients.


How was your day? No, really?


When it comes to productivity, I usually finish a task, tick the box or cross it off the list and move on to the next one. 

Busy, busy, busy. 

Sure, I take notes and update the file, but I do this as quickly as possible because there’s so much more to do.

It makes sense to spend a moment or two reflecting on what we’ve done, thinking about how we might do it better.

But I usually don’t.

I just saw a video that is making me reconsider. 

Besides a “to do” list, the presenter suggests we keep a “did do” list. Write down what we did, our results, and our thoughts about how we can improve.

Most of us take on too much work each day, are often overwhelmed (and exhausted), and wind up doing our work mechanically and quickly so we can get it done. We focus on quantity rather than quality. We get a lot done, but the more we do, the less satisfied and productive we are.

Maybe it’s better to do fewer tasks, get better results, and feel better about ourselves.

Keeping a “did do” list, reflecting and not just doing, might be a way to accomplish that.


Do you have a client loyalty program?


Besides doing good work and treating clients well, do you do anything to incentivize your clients to continue hiring you?  

You should. 

Yeah, I know, it’s a touchy subject. You really can’t offer discounts or rewards. 

Or can you? 

Could you hold back on increasing your fees for clients who have been with you for a number of years? Could you provide good clients with extra services that you previously charged for or give them a better rate this year than you charged the year before? Could you offer somewhat lower fees to clients who pay a regular retainer? 

Maybe you could reward a loyal client by reducing the percentage of increase this year, or delaying the date it begins. 

What about referrals? You can’t directly compensate anyone for sending you business, but maybe you can send them some business. Or mention their business or practice in your newsletter, or link to their website from yours. 

Maybe you could interview referral sources and friends of the firm on your podcast, invite them to join you on stage at your next speaking event, or mail their brochure to your client list with a note recommending them.

Think about it. Look for ways to show your loyal clients and supporters how much you appreciate them. You don’t have to do anything extraordinary, but with so many other firms vying for their business, consider doing something other than good legal work. 

As my grandfather used to say, “It couldn’t hurt”. 




Everything we do that qualifies as marketing—networking, content creation, staying in touch with clients and prospects, running ads—is easier and more effective when we “prepare” before we “do”. 

Let’s call it “pre-marketing”. 

Before you attend a live event, for example, you don’t just show up. You make a list of people you want to connect with, what you want to ask, offer, or tell them, notes about the speaker and his or her topic, and so on. 

If you have a blog or newsletter or regularly post on social media, your pre-marketing activities would include collecting content ideas, creating a backlog of new content, verifying links, and updating your calls-to-action.

Yes, it’s all marketing. But pre-marketing activities can be done ahead of time, when you have an easier schedule. 

Do these things so that when it’s go time, you’re ready to go. 

Things like

  • Learning more about your target market and ideal client 
  • Looking for articles to send to your key clients and referral sources 
  • Signing greeting cards and thank-you notes so they are ready to mail
  • Reviewing your competition’s content
  • Taking seminars about SEO and AI and tools you can use to improve your marketing
  • Creating new forms and updating old ones
  • Finding and working with a “workout partner”
  • Reading blogs about marketing and productivity

Keep a list of these activities close at hand and schedule time to do them.

Boring? Maybe so. But you can delegate a lot of this.

Do enough pre-marketing and you might be able to hire a full time pre-marketing assistant.


Blog or newsletter?


Eventually, both. Each is different, each has advantages over the other. So, when you have more time or staff, or a bigger list, use them both. 

I do. But I make things as simple as possible by posting my newsletter on my blog and sending my blog posts to my newsletter list. 

If you’re new to online marketing, or looking to up your game, but you’re not ready to do both, decide what’s more important to you. 

If your primary interest is getting more traffic, start with a blog. Optimize it for search terms that pertain to your field and prospective clients will find you, see what you know and do, and if they like what they see, contact you to ask a question or make an appointment. 

If you’re primarily interested in enhancing your relationships with existing and former clients and business contacts, leading to repeat business and referrals, start with a newsletter. 

I just listened to an expert who said the purpose of a blog is to “inform and create more direct calls to action leading to sales,” while the purpose of a newsletter is to “entertain and build authority”. 


I see a blog as a mechanism for informing, building authority, and generating leads. I see a newsletter as a mechanism for building a relationship with people who have already found you, via a blog or other means. A newsletter is usually more personal. A blog is more formal. 

Here’s an important point to consider:

A newsletter is a much better way to get people who have found your website or blog to return, something you can’t count on a blog to do because you can’t count on people who found you through search conducting that same search again, even if they’re still looking. Yes, people can subscribe to your blog and be notified when you post a new one, but I wouldn’t count on that either.

In short, use your blog to attract new people and your newsletter to get those people to call you and to return to your blog to see what else you say. 

Of course, you should also use your blog to generate sign-ups for your newsletter. 

They work together nicely. 

You know what else works nicely with a blog and newsletter combo? Social media. I found the aforementioned expert who talked about the differences between a blog and a newsletter through a video. 

I wasn’t searching, but YouTube thought I might be interested.  


Writing non-fiction without an outline? 


Whether you’re writing an article or blog post, a memo to your client or your file, a brief or a demand letter, outlining before you write is almost always recommended. 

It helps you include all the key points, put them in an effective order, and save time with the actual writing because you’ve thought about what to say before you say it. 

Outlining is your friend. Especially for longer or complicated pieces that contain a lot of information. 

But sometimes, outlining slows down the process of getting words on paper, and leads to a less interesting, more formulaic piece of writing. That’s okay for most of the writing lawyers do. We don’t need to be creative; we need to relate what happened (or will happen), what we think and recommend, and convey our thoughts succinctly. 

And that’s usually what we do. 

But if you’ve ever struggled to construct an outline, found yourself repeatedly re-organizing and re-writing it instead of getting on with the writing, as have I, you might want to try something many fiction writers do. 

It’s called “Pantsing” and means “writing by the seat of your pants,” that is, writing (a story) without deciding what to write in advance. 

No outline. Or much of one. 

Pantsers start with a general idea of what they want to happen in their story, and usually not much more. They know what their main characters are like, what they want and how they might get that, but often only a few paragraphs which serve as a place to start. 

They write and see where the story takes them. They let the story surprise them as much as they hope it will surprise their readers. 

Pantsers say their writing is fresher this way, because they “hear” the story as they write it. They say it’s more enjoyable to write this way, unconstrained by the rigidity of a detailed outline. 

Authors who write this way say they love the freedom and spontaneity this gives them. Authors who are committed outliners say that writing without an outline, without a net as someone put it, scares the heck out of them and they couldn’t do it. 

What about non-fiction? Could lawyers write with little more than a general idea and a few points to cover? 

I do this all the time with short pieces. What you’re reading now is an example. 

I didn’t plan to write about pantsing today and yet here we are. This is where the writing led me.

Writing by the seat of your pants is liberating. I have no plans to make pantsing my primary modus operandi, however. Outlining will continue to be my jam. 

On the other hand, for my current work-in-progress, a full length non-fiction book, I’ve completed a lot of the outline, but I’m experimenting with pantsing some chapters and parts thereof. After all, a chapter is really a collection of short essays. 

I don’t know how successful I’ll be, but I’m confident it will help me finish the first draft. 


Do the math


Have you ever considered a marketing task and talked yourself out of it because you “didn’t have the time”? 

Actual work, appointments, meetings, appearances, reviewing files, billing, calls, email, supervising employees, taxes, banking, all need to be done and doing them doesn’t leave much time for anything else. 

Including (especially) marketing. 

But hold on. If an activity turned out to be worth it, could you find the time to do it?

Would it be worth doing (something) once a week for 45 minutes if it brought in a new case or client every month? Would it be worth doing something 30 minutes every day if it brought in two new clients each week? 

Do the math. It’s your practice. What would it take for a marketing task or activity to be ‘worth it’ for you?

How much time, money, effort, for how much return? 

Once you have an answer, test the idea. And give it enough time before you conclude it is (or isn’t) worth it. 

But hold on (again). You might find that something wasn’t worth it, e.g., you invested three hours this month and saw very little (or no) return, but that doesn’t mean you can’t improve. You might be one tweak away from creating a flood of new business. 

Try again. Try another approach. 

You might find ten things that don’t work. That’s okay. All you need is one that does.
