How about a heaping helping of added value?


You do a good job for your clients. They’re happy with the results you get for them and like you. But simply doing a good job for your clients doesn’t guarantee they will hire you again or refer other clients. 

If you want that to happen, give them more than they’re paying you for. 

Give them added value—additional benefits they don’t expect and haven’t paid for. 

Here are 3 options: 

(1) INFORMATION. Reports, newsletters, blogs, seminars, articles, videos, and other educational material that add value to their life or business. For consumer clients, you could provide information about debt, credit, investing, taxes, and insurance. For business clients, you could share information about subjects related to their industry or market. 

(2) SUPPORT. Promote their industry or community events, their causes (and donate to them), and recommend their products or services. 

(3) CONNECTION. Introduce clients to other clients who might benefit from knowing them. Refer clients to other professionals who can advise or otherwise help them.

You can do these things on your own, outsource it, or join forces with other professionals and subject experts. 

Other lawyers tend not to do these things. When you do them, this added value can strengthen your relationships and help you stand out in your target market. 
