If you want more clients, read this NOW!


Effective marketing of legal services, or anything else, does 3 things:  

  1. It gets the prospect’s attention and stimulates DESIRE for something they want, a benefit, and sets the stage for taking the next step.  
  2. It tells them what to do—the ACTION you want them to take. You want your prospects to call, fill out a form, email, subscribe, watch a video, read something, or take some other action.
  3. It tells them WHEN to do it. Ideally, you want them to do it NOW. “Immediately, if not sooner,” as my grandfather used to say. Tell your reader or listener to take immediate action, or as soon as possible, because people are busy and think they’ll do it later, but of course, “later” never comes. 

The title of this post told you to read it now and gave you a good reason, i.e. to get more clients. Since you’re reading these words, it did its job. 

It got attention, stimulated desire, and prompted you to take action. Three keys to effective marketing. 

Write these down (now, so you don’t forget) and use them in all aspects of your marketing. 

Unless you’re not interested in getting more clients. 
