If you want to grow your practice quickly, structure your marketing and practice management so that each new (or existing) client introduces you to their friends and business contacts.
Their contacts might have the same or similar needs and interests and have work for you. Immediately or sometime soon.
How can you meet their contacts? You ask. “Who do you know who might need/want/be interested in…” your services or offer? When they acknowledge they know someone, ask, “Will you introduce me to them?”
Yes, in can be as simple as that.
But there is something even simpler.
Instead of asking for an introduction, which might be premature, inappropriate, or uncomfortable for you, offer to make your valuable content available to their contacts.
Their contacts might like to read your newsletter, watch your videos, or see your presentation. They might love to have a free copy of your valuable report or dial in to your conference call.
When you offer to allow contacts to access your content, you’re likely to get a ‘yes’. Much easier on you.
It’s also easier for your clients.
They don’t have to tell their contacts much about you, because the offer isn’t about you or your services (yet), it’s about your information.
Their contacts consume your content, and your content sells them on you.
That’s how you get three new clients instead of just one.