3 ways to get more clients to sign up


A prospective client watches your presentation, reads your ad or email, or talks to you about their case or matter. They see the need and value of your services, they can afford them, they’re interested, but, alas, they don’t sign up. 

Maybe they have a good reason, or maybe they just want to think about it. 

What can you do? 

  1. The simplest answer is to give them more information. Tell them more about their problem or situation, how bad it is and how it could worsen, more about their options, more about your skills, more about the benefits you offer, and more about how they will feel once you help them solve their problem or achieve their aim. You can also give them more proof—testimonials, success stories and your bona fides.
  2.  You can use “scarcity”. You only have a few appointments available this week, or only five more special packages (bonuses, bundles) for new (or returning) clients.
  3. You can use a deadline—they must respond by a certain date to get the special offer or get an appointment. 

All three options play on the prospect’s desire to improve their situation or their “fear of loss.” Both are powerful mechanisms for motivating clients to take immediate action instead of thinking about it. 
