If you don’t like marketing, don’t do it


Maybe you don’t like marketing. You find it frustrating, expensive, or a waste of time.

Maybe you don’t like social media, networking, or advertising.  

It’s not right for your practice or you’re not good at any of it. 

Stop doing it. There are other ways to bring in business. 


You can bring in business by inspiring your clients and business contacts to talk about you, and by getting people in your market to notice you and do the same. 

Start by treating your clients better than any lawyer has done. Let them see how much you love what you do and love helping your clients. As you surprise and delight them, they will naturally tell others about you.

You can also stimulate word of mouth by sponsoring charities, volunteering for committees, and supporting causes you care about. 

People notice you, ask what you do, and want to know more. 


Do more interviews (blogs, podcasts, radio). 

Write more articles, blog posts, or books. 

Create reports, videos or audios, and make them available to your market.


Equip your clients, prospects, and business contacts with handouts, success stories, and information about your practice area. They’ll see you as an expert in your field and refer clients to you (or hire you themself). 

Stay in touch with everyone you know via a newsletter or blog. 

Meet new people via informal networking, e.g., getting involved with groups and interests you like and when people ask what you do, tell them.  

In short, stop doing marketing you hate and start growing your practice in ways that feel authentic and natural. 
