Make ‘em fall in love with you


We have a service contract for our heating and air conditioning appliances. The service people are competent, friendly (and clean), their fees are reasonable, and we continue to renew our contract, but if a better option came along, we’re open to jumping ship. 

Because they’re good, but we don’t love them. 

We had an appointment scheduled for this morning but weren’t sure they would show up. It’s Monday, the appointment was made two weeks ago, but they didn’t confirm with a call or email or text, so we weren’t sure if they would show up today. 

We called, and yes, we were on the schedule. Which meant we can go about our day and not wonder if someone would show up. 

But we shouldn’t have to call. It’s their business, not ours, and serving customers is and should be their top priority. For our peace of mind and theirs. Just as we want to know they’re coming, don’t they want to know we haven’t forgotten and will be home when they arrive? 

In the lawyer-client world, the details are more complicated, but the principles are the same. 

Clients want excellent legal work and excellent outcomes but they also want to know that you care enough about what you do and the people for whom you do it to take care of the so-called “little things” that make working with them easier and better.

The kinds of things that make them like and trust you. 

That might be as simple as creating a policy manual for your office with systems for staying in touch with your clients. 

It might be as simple as studying their industry or market to learn all about their problems, interests and goals, and using what you’ve learned to help them.

It might be as simple as posting information on your website and letting clients know where to find it, or writing a newsletter to send them this information so they don’t have to remember to look.

It might be as simple as making sure you and your staff always greet them with a smile and handshake, make eye contact, and remember them during the holidays. 

But whatever it is in your world, make sure you do it. Because your clients want to feel good about their decision to hire you, stay with you, and recommend you. 

Our service provider may not do everything we’d like them to do, but they’re making progress. They just called my wife and told her they were on their way. 
