Sell your legal services in 60 seconds!


The world is awash in ads that sell products or services in 30 to 60 seconds. 

Why can’t you do the same? 

Why can’t you explain what you do and why someone should hire you in just one minute? In a TV or radio ad, on a web page, in a presentation, or face-to-face? 

You can do that by sharing one to three benefits—the problem(s) you solve, the solutions you offer, and why the reader or listener should choose you as their attorney.

Yes, the person who hears your message will want more information. They’ll have questions, they may want to do so some research about their issue or about you, and you will almost always have to accommodate them. 

But first,  you need to get their attention and stimulate interest in learning more, and you can do that with a well-crafted 60-second commercial. 

Not a paid ad, necessarily. You can do this with a conversation where you tell a prospect client (or someone who can refer them) WHY they should talk to you, go to your website, read your handout, or come to your seminar. 

Start by making notes about the problems you solve, the services and benefits you offer and why a prospect should take the next step to learn more.

And pay attention to ads and presentations and web pages you see, to see how others do it and especially how they get your attention. 

Then, talk to a marketing or advertising professional, see what they offer, and consider asking them to put together a “test” campaign for you. 

If you’ve done your homework, you’ll have a good idea of what you want from them, and what you might be able to do yourself. 
