Advertising? You already do it.


Every lawyer advertises. Including you. 

You might not run display ads, PPC ads, or send out a mailer. You might not conduct seminars, record videos, or publish a blog or newsletter. 

Nevertheless, you advertise. 

You advertise when you write articles or speak to a group. You advertise when you post information about your services on social media, in a directory, or on your website. You advertise when you give your business card to someone you meet or give an extra business card to a new client or acquaintance so they will have an extra to give to someone else.

You advertise when you list your services in the footer of your emails. 

You advertise when you call or email an old client or contact to say hello and get caught up.

It’s all advertising. Telling people (or reminding them) about what you do and how you can help them or someone they know.

If you do it well, someone who needs your help will know how to get it.

Your advertising might be as complex as a full presentation about your services, legal analysis, legislative analysis, a description of how you are better or different from other firms in your area, complete with testimonials and a client list. It might be a fancy brochure or website or two. It might be as lavish as a catered luncheon with guest speakers and nice souvenirs to take home.

Or it might be as simple as a line or two about your practice areas and services casually mentioned to someone you meet for the first time.

It’s all advertising. If you do it well, someone who needs your help will know it is available and how they can get it.  
