Do you have a client loyalty program?


Besides doing good work and treating clients well, do you do anything to incentivize your clients to continue hiring you?  

You should. 

Yeah, I know, it’s a touchy subject. You really can’t offer discounts or rewards. 

Or can you? 

Could you hold back on increasing your fees for clients who have been with you for a number of years? Could you provide good clients with extra services that you previously charged for or give them a better rate this year than you charged the year before? Could you offer somewhat lower fees to clients who pay a regular retainer? 

Maybe you could reward a loyal client by reducing the percentage of increase this year, or delaying the date it begins. 

What about referrals? You can’t directly compensate anyone for sending you business, but maybe you can send them some business. Or mention their business or practice in your newsletter, or link to their website from yours. 

Maybe you could interview referral sources and friends of the firm on your podcast, invite them to join you on stage at your next speaking event, or mail their brochure to your client list with a note recommending them.

Think about it. Look for ways to show your loyal clients and supporters how much you appreciate them. You don’t have to do anything extraordinary, but with so many other firms vying for their business, consider doing something other than good legal work. 

As my grandfather used to say, “It couldn’t hurt”. 
