Simple, not easy


To persuade prospective clients to hire you, you want them to know that what you will do for them is simple, but not easy. There’s a lot of work to do, much of it is complex and difficult, but you have the knowledge and experience to do it.

Because you’ve done it many times before. 

In your marketing messages, don’t confuse “simple” with “easy”. What you do isn’t easy. If it was, any attorney could do it, and that’s not the message you want to convey. 

It’s simple but takes a lot of skill, experience and hard work. They’ve chosen the right attorney for the job because you’ve helped many others through this process and are ready to do it for them. 

Imagine if you suggested otherwise, that what you do is easy to do. That’s not what a client who is being asked to pay big bucks to think. 

So, choose your words carefully. 

Choosing you is simple. Hiring you is simple. Working with you is simple. 

But the work isn’t easy.
