“My secretary made me stop” 


You may have noticed that I continually preach the value of staying in touch with clients and prospect via a newsletter. No, this is not another reminder to do that. 

Instead, this is a reminder about the value of staying in touch with clients individually. 

It’s a simple concept, as old as the hills, and even more powerful than a newsletter. 

In a nutshell, every week, schedule a few minutes to connect with at least one of your clients or former clients. Call them, not to talk business, but simply to ask how they’re doing and catch up. 

Ask about their business or family, their hobby or their golf game. Ask about their latest project or cause. 

No selling or promoting. Just you connecting with people who are important to you. 

But while you’re not calling to talk about (your) business, a funny thing happens when you call. Clients will tell you about another case or legal issue or question they have or a friend or business contact who does, and you get more business.

Many lawyers I’ve encouraged to do this have reported amazing results. One lawyer told me he got so much new business, his secretary said she couldn’t handle all the work and told him to stop. 

For the record, this kind of thing doesn’t happen as much when you email. There’s something magical about the human voice. Especially when it’s your voice, not an assistant’s.

I’m not saying don’t send email (or regular mail) or stop your newsletter. 

Just make sure to call. 

Call your current and former clients, referral sources and business contacts, and (if you want to) even prospects you’ve spoken with. Everyone you know professionally, or want to know. 

There’s another benefit to doing this besides strengthening relationships and bringing in more new business. It’s an opportunity to learn more about your clients’ industry, business, or market, which will help you do a better job for your clients and better market to their niche. 

All you need to do this is a calendar and a list. And maybe another secretary or assistant to help you with all the additional work.
