Add this to your weekly review


Over time, my weekly review has become more about tidying up (emails, notes, tasks, projects) and choosing tasks for the upcoming week rather than an actual review of what I did the preceding week and using that to plan the next.  

You too? 

One thing we can do to improve our “review” is to take a high-level inventory of the week by asking two questions: 

  1. What went well? 
  2. What can I do better? 

We can take a quick look at our calendar and/or task management app and note everything we did that week, what worked, and what didn’t, or drill down into specific projects or cases and identify our progress or lack thereof.  

We could record our results in a diary, or spreadsheet, so we have something to look back on. We could also gamify what we’re doing and reward ourselves when we follow our plan.  

Sometimes, it’s difficult to be objective about what we’ve done and we should consider asking others for feedback. Talk to a partner or friend, or email your subscribers, and ask what they think about your recent offer, article, action, or idea. 

What went well? What can improve? 

Perhaps the biggest benefit of tracking our activities this way is knowing that by doing that, we’ll develop the habit of thinking about what we’re about to do before we do it. 

How’s that for a novel idea? 
