Content marketing doesn’t have to be complicated. Or take a lot of time. You don’t need to invest in a lot of paraphernalia or time learning how to use it.
In particular, you can start a newsletter using your regular email and add recipients as bcc’s. Once you have several hundred emails, and are convinced you want to continue, you can use a service to automate everything.
So, no excuses. Write an email, as you would write a letter to a friend or client or business contact, and share something—an idea, some news, something interesting you saw online or heard around the water cooler, or just say hello and hope they are well, and click send.
Don’t promise to send another letter. Don’t commit to a schedule. The purpose of writing is for you to see how easy it is and how nice it is when people respond and tell you they like what you said or thank you or ask a question.
It’s about staying in touch with the people who are important to you. It’s about the relationship.
A newsletter is the best way to build relationships with hundreds of people simultaneously.
And while some of the people you write to might write back and tell you they want to talk to you about another legal matter, or have a friend who needs to talk to you, don’t expect anything like that to happen.
But don’t be surprised if it does.
Don’t make this transactional. Don’t offer anything or ask for anything. Plenty of time to do that later. If you decide to continue.
Right now, it’s about putting your toe in the water, not jumping in the deep end.
Right now, it’s about writing a letter to a friend.
If you’re ready to do more, this shows you everything you need to know