Most people read your blog or newsletter because they are looking for information. But you can also use your content to entertain them.
It’s a great way to connect with your audience. Make people smile or think about something besides their problems and they’ll like you and come back next time to hear more.
But it depends on how you define entertainment.
Humor is fine, if it is appropriate and you don’t overdo it. A sprinkling of puns, turns of phrase, wry observations, and colorful asides can show your audience that you are down to earth. Not just a legal machine, but a person they can talk to and might like to know.
But you have to be careful. Especially today, where it’s difficult to know what is and isn’t acceptable.
You have to know your audience. And maybe have an editor or someone who can tell you when you’ve gone too far.
But entertainment isn’t just about humor. Sports, games, books, and music are also entertaining. Use them, either to make a point or add context or color to your information.
If you’re writing about winning a case, for example, and you’re in a hockey town, go ahead and use phrases like “hat trick” or “shutout”. Or talk about something you saw or heard when you were at a game.
What we’re really talking about isn’t so much about being entertaining, it’s about being interesting.
Not just the facts. Not just the law. Something else people will recognize and relate to or like hearing about because it’s different.
Speaking of different, did you see Heidi’s latest Halloween costume? Girlfriend did it again.
Unfortunately, I can’t think of a way to fit that into a blog post for lawyers. Wait, I just did.