I’ve done a lot of interviews and I’m looking forward to doing more. They are easy to do, bring high quality traffic to my site, and I enjoy doing them. If you’re looking for a simple and effective marketing method, interviews with bloggers and podcasters, authors and other influencers, gets my highest recommendation.
Anyway, I recently received an invitation to a one hour interview about “marketing strategies in the legal profession.”
Right up my alley, right? So why haven’t I replied to this invitation, or to the follow-up email seeking to schedule a date?
Because the person conducting the interview said she is “working with a client outside the legal profession. . . to increase our clients’ understanding of the often complex legal industry.”
That’s nice and everything, but. . . what’s in it for me?
Seriously. Why should I help you with this research project?
Will the interview be published anywhere lawyers might see it? Will I be quoted and get a link to my site? Will you compensate me in any way for my time and expertise?
Anything? Bueller?
Alrighty then. Imma need to sit this one out.
Actually, I did get something out of this. I got the opportunity to remind you that in your marketing, always tell people what’s in it for them.
Tell people why they should hire you (or let you interview them). Tell them the benefits. Tell them how will they be better off.
Even if it’s obvious.
Because what’s obvious to you may not be obvious to them. And because if you don’t tell them, or you aren’t persuasive enough, your message (like the one I just told you about) will probably wind up in the digital dumpster.