You need ideas for your blog or newsletter. No worries. Just check out your competition’s websites and see what they’re writing about.
Their sites are a potential goldmine of content ideas, written from the perspective of a lawyer speaking to prospective clients.
Read through their blogs, see if they’ve covered any topics you haven’t covered. . . and. . . cover them.
You can also look for articles on subjects you have covered and see what they did differently. You might get ideas for new posts or updates on the subject.
You might agree with a post, write a similar post, and provide your own examples or client success stories.
You might disagree with a post and explain why.
If a lawyer wrote a short post, you might write a longer one and explain things they didn’t talk about.
If they wrote a lengthy post, you might write a shorter post, or a series of short posts on each of their sub-topics.
If they are in a state or country with different laws or procedures, you might write an opinion piece on why your jurisdiction should follow suit.
While you’re on their site, check out their blog comments. See what their visitors like and the questions they ask. The odds are your visitors have the same questions.
If they have a newsletter, sign up for it. They may offer additional content to subscribers that you can’t access on the website.
In short, a visit to some of your competitor’s sites is a simple way to get content ideas. Probably more ideas than you can shake a stick at.
More ways to find ideas for content: here