Want to increase your income? Take more showers


73 percent of people surveyed say they get their best ideas in the shower. If you want more ideas for marketing your practice, ideas for your blog or newsletter, or ideas for ways to provide more value to your clients, you might want to strip off and get your bum wet more often.

Why do we get more ideas in the shower? Is it the same if we take a bath? Or go swimming?

I do think water is part of the answer. Something about the feeling of being back in the womb that relaxes us, perhaps, and allows our subconscious mind to bring us ideas.

I get a lot of ideas when I’m out walking, especially when I’m near a park or other greenery, or the ocean. Something about nature seems to turn on the creativity machine.

I also get ideas while driving, when I’m on autopilot and can let my subconscious mind do it’s thing.

Reading fiction and playing games are also conducive to ideation, no doubt because they stimulate our imagination, but also because they distract us from the burdens of the day.

That’s a key to creativity, isn’t it? Distracting yourself from whatever you’ve been doing or you are supposed to be doing? When you turn off your logical left brain, you turn on your creative right brain.

Which means that goofing off when you should be working isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

But I also get ideas when I’m working.

I got the idea for this post during my morning browse of articles. When I saw the survey, my creative (and dirty) mind told me to write a post with the words “taking showers” in the headline.

Because I know you have a dirty mind, too.
