You want new clients. You want everyone you know to refer clients to you, send traffic to your website, and promote your content and events.
You want introductions to centers of influence in your niche or local market. You want invitations to be interviewed and speak or write for publications that serve your target markets.
You might want help with advertising, website or computer matters, writing, or presenting. You might want help getting organized or learning or troubleshooting computer programs, or recommendations for hardware, apps, or methodologies.
Whatever you want, it should go on a list, the first of four:
List number one will remind you to think about what you want and train yourself to recognize people you know and meet who can provide it.
Keep this list in front of you and look at it often because you get what you focus on.
You should also maintain a list of ways you can help your clients and contacts besides your legal services.
What do you know they’d like to know? What skills do you have that can help them? What kinds of introductions and referrals can you give them?
This list will help you become proactive in helping people. When you help your clients and contacts, they’ll help you.
Your clients and contacts want things, too, and their wants and needs should go on another list.
What kinds of clients or customers do your business and professional contacts want? Who would they like to meet? What information would help them, personally or in their business life?
You can use this list to help them get what they want. You’ll know who to refer to them, who to introduce to them, and what kinds of information to send them.
This list is a record of what your clients and business contacts can do for you and your other clients and contacts.
What do they know? Who do they know? How can they help people?
These four lists will help you help others. They will help you to be an effective matchmaker, content creator, and business contact.
You’ll be able to do things for your clients and contacts most lawyers don’t do and build the kind of network and practice most lawyers will never have.
When you help others, you get more repeat business and referrals