If you’re trying to tackle a big project and not making as much progress as you’d like, the reason may simply be that you’re trying to do too much too soon.
In his book, Do It Tomorrow, Mark Forster provides a series of fundamental productivity principles. Number three is “Little and Often,” his prescription for handling big projects or accomplishing big goals.
Forster says it’s easier to get things done if you do small parts frequently, instead of attempting to get it all done in a short period of time.
Little and often is how we learn to play a musical instrument or a new language, he points out. It’s how we develop any new skill or habit.
It works because it allows your brain to repeatedly return to and process the subject, assimilate new information and experiences and make new connections between them, providing us with new ideas and different ways to incorporate them.
I’m working on a book right now and while I have the time to power through it and get it done faster, I’m moving slowly, writing for an hour or two a day, and I know the end result will be better for it.
What are you working on right now that could benefit from “little and often”?