Many attorneys are uptight about marketing. So they put forth a token effort and see poor results, or they don’t do it all.
If you’re in there somewhere, this is for you. Marketing can become your best friend if you let it.
Start by letting go of bad memories–ads that bombed, speeches that flopped, networking that left you cold. Let go of all the time you wasted and the money you flushed down the drain.
Also let go of negative feelings you may have about about marketing making you uncomfortable. It doesn’t have to. And it won’t, once you realize that marketing is merely a conversation you have with people you know or people who have expressed interest in what you can do for them.
Marketing doesn’t mean shoving anything down anyone’s throat. Marketing is answering questions, something we both know you’re good at. It’s sharing information, something you no doubt you have plenty of. It’s providing examples about other people you helped, and letting their stories persuade people that you can help them, too.
You like helping people, right? Marketing lets you do more of that. It helps the people who read or listen to your words to better understand their situation and find their way to a better outcome. Without this, their pain might continue, or they might choose the wrong attorney, making things worse.
You don’t have be great at marketing to be effective. In fact, a little clumsiness can be a good thing. People don’t want “slick,” they want “real” and down to earth.
You don’t have to do all kinds of marketing. You can focus on what you like and what you’re good at.
I like writing. I like doing interviews. I like advertising. I really like email. So, that’s what I do.
How about you?
You have a lot of options. Find one that feels good and start there.
If you’re not sure, I suggest starting with your website or blog. Post some information about the law, about your services, and what you can do for someone who visits your site and needs your help.
You know, the kinds of information you already share with people who ask what you do.
My course, Make the Phone Ring, shows you what to do.