Starting or restarting your law practice


When you first opened your practice, no doubt you notified everyone you knew. You told them what kinds of cases and clients you would be handling, gave them your contact information, invited them to visit your website, encouraged them to follow you on social media, and asked them to keep you in mind if they need your help or know someone who does.

And maybe you got some business that way. But for most new attorneys, merely telling people your “store” is open for business isn’t enough.

That’s because most of the people you know don’t need your services right now. It is statistically improbable. They are also unlikely to know anyone who might need your services.

Some day, that will change. Some of your contacts will need your help. Others will talk to people they could refer.

Will they favor you with their business or referrals?

Maybe. If they remember you and what you do, and understand why they should choose you instead of any other attorney.

That’s why you hear me haranguing about the importance of staying in touch, so that you can be “in their minds and their mailboxes” when that day arrives.

And why the best way to do that is to build an email list.

Social media is fine but it doesn’t hold a candle to email. Never has, never will.

(I should do a video, “Email is king; change my mind”.)

Anyway, when you announce your new practice, offer everyone an incentive to sign up for your newsletter.

Create a report, a checklist, a video, or other freebie that would be of value to your contacts and the people they know, and tell everyone it’s available.

When they sign up, they get your report, learn more about solutions to their problem or the path to their objective, and get to see the kinds of benefits you deliver.

You get to stay in touch with them, tell them more, and remind them that you’re still available to help.

The good news is that you can do this even if you’re not a new attorney or opening a new office.

If you want to know how to write a report that brings in business, this will help.
