It’s better to have people ask you to send them information than you for you to ask them if they want it.
It’s better because when they ask, they’re raising their hand and telling you they want it and will probably consume it.
It’s also better posture for you. “Be the pursued, not the pursuer.”
So, how do you get people to ask?
My favorite way is to use a “takeaway”. Let them know what you have but don’t offer it to them.
To wit:
YOU: “I just wrote a report that shows how to [solve a painful problem]. Do you know anyone who might like a copy?”
You have something that, ostensibly, a prospective client wants but you’re not sending it to them or offering it to them. If they want it, they have to ask for it.
And they will. “Could I get a copy?”
YOU (Surprised): “Oh, well, sure. . . I can send you a link. What’s your best email address?”
If they don’t ask, they’re either not a prospect or your report title/description needs improvement.
How well does this work? Brilliantly. I’ve used a takeaway successfully more times than I can count.
It’s a beautiful thing hearing the other person (prospect or professional) ask if THEY can have a copy.
Sometimes, they’re not interested but they know someone who might be. That’s fine. They help their friend or client get information that could help them, and they do some “advertising” for you.
Sometimes, they’re not interested and they don’t know anyone.
That’s fine, too.
At least they know what you have and if their situation changes or they run into someone with a problem your report addresses, they know where to turn.
Who do you know that’s ready to take their law practice to the next level?