There are lots of ways to get more clients. Here is one of the simplest:
- Identify a problem you solve or benefit you deliver and the legal services you provide to do that.
- Describe your “ideal client” for that service. Who is likely to have that problem or want that benefit?
- Make a list of the types of people who might know people with the problem or desire you identified. Lawyers in other fields, other professionals, business owners, centers of influence, etc.
- Go through your contact list and find people you know who fit that description. If you need/want more names, go through directories, lists, and search engines to find additional names.
- Email them or call them. If you know them, catch up, ask what they’re doing. If you don’t know them, introduce yourself, mention something you have in common and/or say something nice about their website or profile, and ask them to tell you more about what they do.
- Offer to send them a report or checklist or form that (a) can help them in their practice or business, or (b) they can send to their clients or customers.
- Send the report or checklist along with some information about you: the types of problems you solve, the types of clients you represent.
- Stay in touch with them.
You’ll renew old acquaintances and make new ones. Eventually, you’ll get more visits to your website, sign-ups for your newsletter, and followers on social media, all of which will result in new clients.
You’ll also get referrals.
To see how to do this in detail and step-by-step, go here