If you wanted to attract Martian clients, you’d learn to speak Martian or hire someone who does. The same goes for any group of clients.
But I’m not talking about translating a foreign language. I’m talking about speaking to prospective clients in ways they will not only understand but relate to.
That means using examples, idioms, and market-specific references that resonate with them. It means using the words they use to describe their world and making statements they agree with.
If you target blue-collar workers, you would talk about long hours, coming home tired and sweaty, bosses who take advantage of them, union issues, and so on.
If you target medical professionals, you would talk about escalating costs and regulations, declining revenue, legal issues, risks, stress, and the like.
In other words, the kinds of things they talk about among themselves (and to themselves).
Most people are attracted to people with whom they have something in common and to people who understand them. You may have nothing in common with your target market but you can show them you know what it’s like to walk in their shoes.
Read what your target market reads. Pay attention to what they talk about, especially the things that irk and frustrate them.
If you want more Martian clients, learn to speak Martian.
My email marketing course helps you learn to speak Martian