A writer was describing her quest to simplify her hectic life, to reduce her stress and manage her energy. She wanted more quiet time, time to reflect and recharge.
She said, “My life needed white space,” and I immediately understood what she meant.
Most of us are ridiculously busy. We run from appointment to appointment, from task to task.
Our plates are full and yet we continually look for more to heap on them.
We may break for lunch but we often work through it. After work we have errands and chores. Family time? Me time? We never have enough.
And the next day we do it all again.
No wonder we’re exhausted. No wonder we’re stressed.
We’re building these great lives but are we enjoying the lives we’re building?
The solution isn’t all that difficult. We don’t need to radically change our lives. All we need to do is put some space between the different parts of it.
Take a few minutes between appointments. Remove the clutter from your desktop. Work on one file at a time.
Do something unplanned. Make your next project something that feels good instead of whatever’s next on the list.
From time to time, come in to the office a little later or go home a little earlier. Take a long lunch. Go window shopping, go to the ocean, go for a walk.
Take more vacations. Stay a few days longer. Or take a stay-cation and pamper yourself.
And prepare yourself for the days ahead when you might feel pressured or overwhelmed or find yourself falling behind. Make an agreement with yourself that when that happens, you won’t fret or give in to the pressure.
You won’t work harder. You’ll take a break.
You’ll rest and recharge and reflect, even for a few hours or a few days, because that might be all you need.
And because knowing you can do that, in advance, might provide enough white space in your life that you’ll never have to.
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