When you’re fresh out of ideas for bringing in more clients, when you don’t have a clue about what to write in your newsletter, if you’re looking for a way to breathe life into your practice or personal life, I have a suggestion.
Stop what you’re doing and do something else.
Something different. Something new. Something you don’t usually do.
Go to a museum, a ball game, or a park you’ve never been to. Talk to people you don’t know. Read a book about a subject you know nothing about.
Change your routine and your atmosphere and watch what happens.
You may be out of ideas but the world isn’t. Ideas are everywhere–you just can’t see them at the moment because you’re caught up in the routine and minutiae of your day.
So, if you’re out of mental gas, especially if you’re feeling down about it, don’t worry. In a few hours or a few days, you can refill your tank and get back on the road.
More good news.
Sometimes, you can do the same thing in a few minutes.
When you’re in the middle of something and feeling stuck or tired or unmotivated, don’t just take a break, do something completely different.
If you’re writing an article, go play with your cat for a few minutes. If you’re reading and taking notes, take a quick trip to the store, walk around the block, or make a couple of calls.
It’s called “pattern interruption” and it can help you refocus, refresh, or find new ideas.
When I’m done sending this to you, I’m going to get another cup of coffee and start working on my next big idea.
When was the last time a client sent you a referral?