I want your case


According to HR professionals, few job applicants say the one thing they should say in an interview to give themselves the edge as a candidate for the job.

They don’t say, “I want this job.”

Employers want to know you want what they have to offer. They want to know that you’re excited about working at the company and eager to get started.

Why should they hire you if you’re not?

Anyway, I was thinking about how lawyers are in the same position with prospective clients. Clients want to know that we want them as a client.

Does that mean we should tell them we want their case or that we want to be their lawyer?

No. We shouldn’t say that. But we should tell them this nevertheless.

Through our body language, the questions we ask and the comments we make, we should let them know that we are enthusiastic about working with them or that we understand their pain and want to help them alleviate it.

We need to tell prospective clients that we are not only ready, willing, and able to help them, we want to.

Yes you can get more referrals
