Shutting down checklist


While back I told you about my morning checklist. Things I do to organize and begin my day. I’m putting together an evening checklist, things to do to wrap up the day.

An end-of-day checklist should cover three areas:

  1. Wrap up the day (e.g., clean out inboxes, update status on projects, re-schedule/prioritize unfinished tasks)
  2. Review the day (e.g. note what I got done and what I didn’t finish, review what went well and what could be improved)
  3. Plan for tomorrow (e.g., identify @today tasks/MIT’s for tomorrow, review calendar/schedule to see what’s planned, find notes for tomorrow’s tasks/meetings, etc.)

I’ll probably wind up putting some of this on the morning checklist. It’s all a work-in-progress, isn’t it?

Let me know what you do in the am or pm. How do you start your day? What do you do at days end?
