Marketing defined


I found it on Flakebook. A one-sentence statement that sums up the essence of marketing (selling, advertising, presenting, arguing a motion, summation, convincing your kids to do their homework, etc.)

It said: “When pitching, answer “Why” a lot.”

Yep. That’s it.

Tell people why they need a lawyer. Tell them why they should choose you instead of anyone else. Tell them why they can trust you.

Tell them why they should sign up for your newsletter, come to your event, or read your latest post.

What is good. How can help. But unless you tell them why, that is, spell out the benefits they get for doing what you’re asking them to do, the rest doesn’t matter.

(Note, telling your kids, “Because I said so” isn’t a good option. Just saying.)

Why is telling them why so important?

Because it’s not always obvious. Or because they may not believe it. Or because they knew it but forgot.

Tell them why because they may be in denial about their situation or because they’re not (yet) in enough pain.

Tell them why so they will spend the money, provide you with their email, or show up at your event and get the benefits (protection, results, information) they need.

That’s why.

This will help you get more clients and increase your income
